Do any of you have any funny experiences while you were part of the JW machine? Back around 1986 I was the ministerial servant in charge of running the sound board in the Kingdom Hall for our congregation. We were the last ones to meet in the hall on weekdays (Friday) and the first ones to meet on Sunday. This was a convenient arrangement since my then-wife was always running chronically late and we often arrived minutes before the meetings began. As a result, I got in the habit on Fridays of looking up in the Watchtower the song that would be used on Sunday mornings and placing the said cassette in the machine and cueing it up. That way all I had to do was turn on the machine and press play. As time went on I got pretty good at this process and it saved me from trying to locate the cassette at the last minute when we arrived just as the meeting was about to begin. But alas, all good things must come to an end. One Friday I had placed the Sunday morning song cassette as I had been doing for some time, but unbeknowst to me, some Witnesses from another congregtion that used the same Hall came in on Saturday to clean it I guess one of them decided to to listen to music over the sound system while they cleaned but forgot to take their cassette out when they were done. Sunday morning we were running late again and we arrived about a minute before the meeting was to start. I rushed to the sound booth and got seated just as the Presiding Elder was about to begin the Watchtower study. I cued his micorphone and he welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Farmers Brancg congregation and said "Let's all stand and sing song number 62. Song # 62." I immediately pressed the play button on the cassette and out poured a pumping beat and the words "Rock Me Amadeus, Amadeas! Rock Me Amadeus, Amadeas!" You could have heard a pin drop as I stopped the cassette and the only thing that broke the ice was the elder quipping "I said song # 62 Brother Reed, thats #87 which is next weeks song." Needless to say, I always checked from then on before hitting the play button.
Funny experiences while a JW
by donny 14 Replies latest jw experiences
That is funny. I used to do the sound and would get embarassed on the occasions i got the song wrong. I can only imagine how i would have felt had that happened though.
That's hilarious ! We had our share of sound equipment failures ....just sang the song without music...but never a "worldy tape" instead of Kingdom Melodies.
They are lucky I didn't have my favorite music in the system. I would have had 50 Cent music from The Massacre album going, and the first thing they would hear is swearing and gun shots.
When I was 7 I wrote the F word on the kingdom hall wall. My family always sat in one of the side row of seats on either side of the hall and I was forever stuck sitting against the wall. One Sunday my mother gave me a ball point pen to use to take notes with. I'm not sure what came over me but at some point during the meeting I must have been REALLY bored because I nonchalantly held the pen under my left arm and I wrote the F word on the wall next to me. My mother happened to look down at me and noticed I was doing something odd. She leaned forward and caught site of the "word." All the color drained from her face as she grabbed my arm and yanked the pen out of my hand. She sent my older sister scrambling to the bathroom. My sister brought back a handful of sopping wet paper towels. The closing song had just been announced. My mother made me scrub at the wall all through the song and the prayer, to no avail. After the meeting when everyone was socializing I had to sit in my seat and keep my hand over the word. She told me not to let anyone, under any circumstances, see what was under my hand as she went to get some cleaner. Well, of course, all the kids noticed me sitting there like a jack ass with my hand latched to the wall and they had to come see what was up. There were a couple who asked what I was doing. I didn't know how to explain so I didn't say anything hoping they'd go away. One kid tried to pry my hand away. I was saved by my mother coming back and telling them to go away. The cleaner she brought didn't help. She was forced to go to an elder and tell him what I had done. As it turned out they ended up having to paint over the word. My mother never let me forget that little incident. Never mind that I learned the word from my old brother. What she was more concerned about was the shame of having her youngest daughter deface the precious kh. The was my crowning achievement in all my years growing up a dub.
That's amazing. All I ever did was spank a cat in front of the entire congregation during the service meeting after the school.
All I ever did was spank a cat
what did the cat do to deserve that?
The back door was open for some reason. I don't remember if the air conditioning was out or if they had shampooed the carpet or what. I always sat right beside the door so I could duck out the very second the meeting was over. The PO was doing his thing and a cat walked in the open door. He told me to put it out, so I did, and it came right back, so I did that a few times and finally I swatted a couple times. Gently, just to make it leave, I love cats. I didn't think anything of it at all, but it was apparently quite the scandal at the time.
glad there were no monkeys hanging around your hall.......... otherwise that woulda made a good story GREAT lol