Is it ok?

by IP_SEC 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    To freeze, thaw then refreeze some meat? I got this big ol thing of frozen meat that I'd like to package into smaller portions and refreeze. Is that ok?

  • TD

    Ruins the taste in a big way.

    ...But it won't kill you

  • dinah

    It should be. Thaw it in the refrigerator, so the temperature never gets above 40 degrees. Then you should be able to re-package it.

    Hey, the one thing I learned from McDonalds is how to not give your family food poisoning.

  • nvrgnbk

    Once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through defrosting. After cooking raw foods which were previously frozen, it is safe to freeze the cooked foods. If previously cooked foods are thawed in the refrigerator, you may refreeze the unused portion.

    If you purchase previously frozen meat, poultry or fish at a retail store, you can refreeze if it has been handled properly.

  • IP_SEC

    Ah dang! Ok package removed from under the tap and put in refrigerator.alt

    Thanks yall! Just knew I could count on yous guys.


    Yes,just as long as you re-freeze it immediately......We did this a lot in "Culinary Art`s School"......Food inspectors frown on it,because some people wait to re-freeze it.......The good chef`s I know,all practice re-freezing.....It just has to be done Immediately!.............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • dinah

    If you had it thawing under the tap, we probably saved your life!! Or at least some horrible digestive problems.

  • hillbilly

    Cave man tool time suggestion... borrow a band saw...clean that up real good and saw your meat before it thaws...

    Refreeze it fast... you dont want ice in the meat.


  • dinah

    What is it with men, meat and power tools??

  • IP_SEC

    Thank you Outlaw!

    If you had it thawing under the tap, we probably saved your life!!

    Thank you for looking out for the fatherless boys in your company Dinah.

    *makes note to get a bandsaw*

    HAHAHAHAHAH Hillbilly! That reminded me of a childhood memory of cutting up hogs, deer, and calves we slaughtered with a BANDSAW!! LOL!! My dad... lol.

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