I have a few examples: A witness did a job for me an asked for cash under the table. Alot of witnesses talk more about material things than anything else. Alot of complaining about the organization mostly by people that once held positions.
Have you noticed an increase in JW's with one foot in the world????
by karter 14 Replies latest jw experiences
I personally do not know any one footed Jehovah's Witnesses.
changeling :)
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Hey Karter,
Witnesses have been trained to adjust their presentation to fit the audience. When they're around "proper dubs", they talk about the proper things, you know, the meetings, service, and such theocraptic crap. When they're around "worldlings" they have their choice of being good dubs, ordinary folk, or somewhere in between. But when they're around like-minded less spiritual dubs, they can be incredibly honest.
You ask if there's been an increase... I ain't the all-knowing Hojovah, but I'd say probably yes.
B the X
I have heard long time well respected JW's say the damnest things. One time I ask this old brother how he was doing......he was like the grand daddy of the JW world out in this neck of the woods....his wife was a very proper lady. He blurted out to me in response to my "how are you doing" at the curcuit assembly "all the good ones once and the best ones twice"! I was new in the lie at that time, thought JW's were the perfect, no flaws people....I was almost stumbled!
I never really noticed. But then again, I was brought into a group that was supposed to be super strict witlesses (everyone pioneering, part time crap jobs, giving up entertainment, etc.) Little did that group know that they wasted their time on me--I now have BOTH feet in the world.
I have always been in more 'affluent' congregations due to where I live and have lived. I have always noticed how many brothers, including elders and POs, have it easy. Many dual incomes, large homes, expensive cars, boats, etc. I always said, if you REALLY believed it all, you would scale everything down and actually act as if it were the last days.
If a jw has a ubm (never been jw) they nearly have to have one foot in and one out, just to keep the peace of course I think they are probably the lucky ones in the cult. They get to go to all the holiday functions because the spouse 'makes' them and many other things, kids included, they can always just blame everything on the ubm if they get called on it. I wonder how that will play out with the 'no education' thing they are harping on at the moment? The jw can always just say they can't help that their evil ubm is sending little Jonny to satan's playground.
The 'head of the house' routine doesn't work in my house. I do not recognize jw's as Christian therefore no scripts about 'submission' (or twisted as jw's do) apply in my opinion. So it doesn't come up anymore in our case. I used the 'if husband joined a satanic group would a wife still have to be submissive?' he couldn't answer so .....
Not Feeling It
A witness did a job for me an asked for cash under the table
Plenty of witnesses and nons have done this for a long time. The only difference is JWs claim to "pay Caesar's things".
Witnesses have been trained to adjust their presentation to fit the audience. When they're around "proper dubs", they talk about the proper things, you know, the meetings, service, and such theocraptic crap. When they're around "worldlings" they have their choice of being good dubs, ordinary folk, or somewhere in between. But when they're around like-minded less spiritual dubs, they can be incredibly honest.
You ask if there's been an increase... I ain't the all-knowing Hojovah, but I'd say probably yes.
ITA- I was always a double lifer and I could usually pick out the others who were as well. Many that were there with me (and are still in) are still living the double life al these years later. We all look pretty straight and narrow at the hall.
I do think the number of those people are increasing, but there has always been pockets of them in every hall. They just couldn't reveal themselves to everyone. Once you're out or borderline they will feel much safer being themselves around you.
AlyMC hit the nail on the head. I came 'out' of the 'world' and was Basically Ned Flanders the first few years....reg pioneer, lead by example, all that stuff. But you're right. You can usually pick those people out. Usually into music and movies many would consider 'unwholesome' but always asking me what i thought of it. looking back, i realize they were prob trying to feel me out.
I usually did like alot of that stuff,but would lie, so as not to stumble others. And looking back, i think many lead a double life because they're not being themselves. I wasn't. I was so busy trying to be prim and proper,that i think many thought thats who i REALLY was. You definetly have to put a show as a witness.
I would say many do have a foot in the world in the sense of from observation........they live as if the end is a bit of a ways down the road.....around the bend........