I'm Ready To Confront My Dad - I'd Like Some Feedback...

by cognac 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    For those of you that don't know... Dad thought I was an apostate, WW3 was started, elders were involved, bla, bla bla. I didn't speak to him for 1 1/2 months because I was hurt in the way in which he treated me.

    Now, I'm ready to deal with what happened and actually talk to him about it... This is about what I want to get across:

    I understand you took the actions you did because you were afraid. I know you did it because you love me and you were sincere about wanting to help me. I have to tell you though, what happened didn't help. It hurt a lot. I have questions. I always have and I always will. That is the way Jehovah created me. Whether my thoughts and ideas are wrong or right, they should be respected. I should be loved. I know you tried to give me answers, if they don't make sense to me or cause me to have further questions, then I shouldn't get attacked personally. I will wait on Jehovah to make things clear to me.

    Dad, I want you to know, when I went to family members about a year or so ago with questions, everyone got mad at me and thought I was an apostate. This was a huge stumbling block with me regarding the truth. Actually, the biggest stumbling block that I had ever faced. It raised a million red flags in my head. I felt that the issue should have been simply addressed, that the truth should just be easy and I just wasn't putting something together correctly. I kept asking myself, why couldn't they simply answer my quesion? I didn't think it was a huge deal when I asked it. Then, when it was answered, the answer made no sense to me. Because of this, people got more mad. I just thought, "why in the world would my own family get mad at me simply because I don't understand something?" This made no sense to me.

    The bible teach book encourages us to ask questions. What if some questions come up that we don't really understand something the society is trying to teach us? Can't we simply just ask and then get the question answered? Why does that have to be such a big deal? I've been told by family members that "it's the type of questions that I ask" or that "they are worried I get these questions from apostate sites". This doesn't make any sense. If they were so worried that of where I was getting my questions from, why couldn't they simply ask in a loving manner. I would have had no problem showing exactly what it was that made me ask a particular question. And furthermore, how am I supposed to control the types of questions that come into my head??? I just don't get it at all.

    Since this has caused problems, I don't feel that I should go to family members regarding anything of a spiritual nature. I feel that it has caused way to many problems and my heart can no longer bare the burden of this type of pain. I do love you very much and I hope you can understand why I feel this way.

  • DJK

    I hope your more successful with your dad than I was with mine.

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I think that is an excellent letter,and a great way of putting across your point. I wouldn't change a word of it ; and see how your dad responds. Let us know, I'm curious. In time I may have to use your outline on my own elder father ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • digderidoo

    Are you going to put this in the form of a letter? I think perhaps you should, you get all of your points over in a respectful way. Just be careful not to put in writing something that can be used in a JC.


  • milligal

    Cognac-what are you hoping as an outcome of your communication w/dad? Are you hoping that he will re-think his stand and address your questions? Are you hoping to make HIM think about the behavior and compare it with what a christian is supposed to be like?

    I think your sentiments are honest and respectful, the only feedback I might be able to give is maybe be more specific in your outline to him: When I said "......" (put in specifically what your questions were) the family responded by saying "......" (what did they specifically say/do?) I would refrain from leaving anything without definition since your dad may be defensive and defensive people downplay their own actions/or the actions they are trying to defend.

    I would eliminate any possibility for him to put his own spin on what happened; list the facts and then how those facts made you feel-(which you did a great job with). Hope this is a helpful comment-good luck.

  • BizzyBee

    Here's some feedback for you:

    How about some quid pro quo? By that, I mean, you start threads asking for advice, feedback, direction, support, etc., but you often don't respond to the answers. Your last thread went to 3 pages, but you didn't post again after initiating it.

    And this feedback may sincerely be helpful to you: Do you have an incredibly short attention span?

  • OnTheWayOut
    COGNAC- I think that is an excellent letter,and a great way of putting across your point. I wouldn't change a word of it ; and see how your dad responds. Let us know, I'm curious. In time I may have to use your outline on my own elder father ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    When I read the thread title, I was sure I would be posting "Just slow down, Cognac.
    Try to keep a good relationship with your dad." Something like that. I figured you would
    tell him off with a title like "...Confront My Dad..."

    Instead, I see beautifully thought out, respectful words. I love it.

  • cognac

    Thanks for your input!

    I was actually going to talk to him about it and not right a letter. Maybe I could read it to him?

    what are you hoping as an outcome of your communication w/dad?

    I'm not trying to change what he believes. I'm trying simply to get him to respect how I feel. I said what I said to him to begin with because I had to confront some issues with him. Now that I have done that, I'm willing to let it go.

    Your last thread went to 3 pages, but you didn't post again after initiating it.

    I responded 5 times. Please don't respond any longer to my threads. I don't mind counsel (sometimes it difficult to take) however, the way in which you write things sometimes has an abusive tone to it. Please stay away from me. If you choose not to, I will just ignore your posts.


    Thank-you! You guys have helped me so much! I feel a lot calmer!!!

  • changeling
  • S3RAPH1M

    Be faithful to yourself, and honest with your family. All the best!

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