Hi Donaleigh and welcome.
I so understand where you're at right now but don't despair. The pain and hurt is very real and many on here have been through what you're going through.
Your daughter is only acting as she's been trained to do and is under the extra influence of her new hubby so be patient. She needs you and she will realise that very soon.
What you feel right now is the deep injustice of man-made rules a well as the anger of scriptures being misapplied to you. Such anger is only natural, you have been conned out of your beliefs, your time and energy, your family. These are precious commodities, irreplacable. You have a RIGHT to be angry. Just channel that anger in a constructive way.
Join something, sports, work club, etc, Get a network of support around you. You've made a good start by coming here, now broaden this out to the real world and make real friends who will show you unconditional love and friendship. They are out there!!
I am trying to move on but the teaching linger in my mind and my heart longs for real christian love...but where, I don't know yet.
Remember Jesus words? He said "come to ME all you who are toiling and loaded down and I will refresh you" He said "I am the way, the truth and the life, NO-ONE comes to the father EXCEPT THROUGH ME". Peter said to Jesus "Who are we to go away to? YOU have the sayings of everlasting life"
Can you see where I'm going with this? I cannot emphasize this enough, you do not have to "belong" to a religious organization to be a christian! All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and go to him. Let Him lead you to like minded people who will help you. He KNOWS what you need. Go to him first.
If some of the teachings still bother you then I cannot recommend enough 2 books called Crisis of Conscience and In Search fo Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz. They will answer many of your questions.
If you worry about 1914 being correct then "The Gentile Times Reconsidered" By Carl Olaf Jonsson will put you straight.
And finally, even though you may feel a little disorientated right now, have confidence that you made 100% the right decision to leave. Congratulations!!