Would you care for your elderly JW parents in time of medical need?

by sweetstuff 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    The washtowel pays lip service to this. They tell people that it is a moral obligation. Usually, what happens is that it falls by the wayside when field circus and boasting sessions come due. I had one witless in my former congregation that did this--putting an aged mother up in their house, and then to a nursing home. (This family always went by the letter of what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger said).

    As to whether it is proper or not, that depends. I do not believe in honoring parents that are mean spirited, always sabotaging the children's attempts to succeed and grow. To honor one's parents should be a volitional decision on the part of children, and the parents should do what's reasonably possible to earn it. Generally, children whose parents have supported their efforts to the best of their reasonable abilities instead of sabotaging them will help support the parents in times of need, while those whose parents always undercut their efforts will not.

  • Mulan

    My JW mother is 95 and I do a lot for her. She lives in an adult family home, and has a full time caretaker, but I take her to doctor and dental appointments, and to lunch pretty often. I manage her financial affairs. If she goes in the hospital, I am there to make all the decisions. I absolutely respect her beliefs and support them.

    Believe me, no one at that KH wants the responsibility. I'm happy to do it all for her.

    I am not interested in taking anything away from her at this stage of her life.

  • kerj2leev

    He's gonna be married to Jesus in heaven so he might have some pull.

    I'm calling BS here. We all know Jesus isn't gay.

    Ofcourse I would take care of them. I've changed diapers before.

  • asilentone

    I think that the nursing home can do it for me! Smack me on the head.

  • sweetstuff

    Interesting and valid points. For myself, I certainly did not have the ideal childhood but my parents did love us and thought they were doing what was right. We do not see eye to eye on religious topics whatsoever and have often argued about it. But for myself, looking back, religion aside, they were good parents, they did love us and although far from perfect, I know that's the case. So I would without hesitation do so. But everyone's situation is different, had they totally disowned me and been hateful people, I might view it entirely different.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Wow, this is a toughy. My mom, no. My dad, no. My reasons: I've done it before and can't fathom doing it again. Both are so controlling and demanding when they are sick that I can't put up with it. They make their beds, and they can sleep in them. I'm also not physically able to do the bedside nurse routine. I will do what I can like cook and clean for them and take them to the store and appts., but I'm no nurse. I'll spend time with them and read to them, though. I'd do what I can and what I can stand to do.

  • changeling

    If you do: Jehovah is taking care of them.

    If you don't: Proof that Satan's spawns are evil.

    JW mentality at it's finest!

    Just this last weekend I sent my parents off to their one day assembly with a nutritious, tasty lunch. I got up early with them to make sure mom wore something appropriate (she's losing it) and to fix her hair. I wonder if the couple that picks them up realize what goes on behind the scenes? Do they know how much their inactive, apostate daughter does to make sure they are healthy and happy?

    changeling :)

  • BFD

    I would in a pinch. But, my siblings and I have decided the burden will fall on my youngest sibling who is not shunned. Of course if the need should ever arise, I would care for my mom or hire someone else to. But with the new system so close, she'll never need it apparently.


  • babygirl75

    Of course I would!! That is if they don't choose one of my other siblings that are in "good standing".

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes I would look after my mother but I would have to leave my wife.....or move mum into a seperate house....and visa versa for her mum.

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