Is it any sillier than the dubs requiring suits be wore to all meetings and out on "service"? The pope's outfit designates his office.
LOL!!!! Who said anything about "silly"? only you Yeru. So you think that the Pope's garb is "silly"? That's quite revealing, Yeru, I must say for sure.
Then you say:
The pope's outfit designates his office. Pure and simple.
You tell the truth again, Yeru ... twice in a row! I'm beginning to feel right proud of you. And you're so right, that's a get-up that is quite distinguishing. Of course you haven't the slightest idea what I mean by that.
As to witnesses going to their meetings and out into field service dressed in attire becoming of ministers, that's a whole other matter you see. Most of the clergy of Christendom do the same thing. You won't see too many of her preachers not sporting a suit, either when delivering their sermons or going to visit someone sick. You show the same unreasonableness that you forever have, Yeru.
I can always smell their BO at the door in Summer - isn't that a stumbling block to those of us who appreciate good personal hygiene, Friday?
That's nothing, I can smell your BO all the way over here. Besides, I say that you're a friggin liar. You "always" detect BO??? How ludicrous! One time I guess that a brother came to your door at the end of a hard days work, and you smelled a little sweat from his labor. And you decided to stretch that into being "always". Ha! You lying agitator! You're problem is no doubt the fact that you never do enough to work up a little perspiration. Get a life, Stephanus. And above all, quit lying! Oh, I forgot ... that's something that you are addicted to isn't it. Well, try anyway.
Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.