WTF, I still get a Kingdom Ministry??? Am I still a publisher????

by OnTheWayOut 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    YES, you must be classed as an active publisher, if you aren't - NO KM

    hmmm...from Jan 07-Aug 07, I was still turning in field circus reports.... granted they were full of phantom numbers...gradually getting smaller...but I was still doing it....and I was still attending the Sales Meeting on Thursday....and they quit giving them to me... I had to beg for the 2 that I did get during that time... yet, 7 year olds that were not publishers got one with their name on it...

    ...I was told the reason that I did not get KMs regularly was that I was not assigned to a book study group and that since I was not attending the book study at the KH that I am not on anyone's "list"...kinda "no-mans" land....maybe that is why my fade has been so successful .... not on a "list." Which makes me think...since I (purposely) stopped turning in reports before the new service year, maybe they also did not make out a new Publisher Record Card for me for the 08 better....

    OTWO..... I am not going to the Grand Boasting Session this year either...though I might pick up some negative vibes from my JW mom who will be visiting that weekend and will be attending so she can see all her "friends" (95+% of who have never contacted her in the 10 years she has been gone from the area)..... oh well...vibe away..I am not wasting my time sitting listening to the Dribbling Buddy speaker from Beth Hell blather on about the end being so damn near....

    Snakes ()

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I haven't seen one for a while....publish any juicy stuff for us.

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