where will the wts be in 20 years?
future of the wts
by jehovahsheep 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hopefully dead and gone or at least taken over by the underground apostate who are still in.
The Lone Ranger
I still believe in the kingdom coming... if its not here by then, the WT will still be making up new dates...
Don't worry - they'll still be around.
If it wants to be successful.......Mormonized. Most younger JWs want similar fellowship activities as "Christendom" churches. Many accept the preaching thing but if everything is so bleak & little balance.....membership sales drop. Many believe in college. I think my generations will be described as seat warmers if things don't change. Trapped by family or non trinitarian beliefs. Most of us only contribute funds to local needs in protest of other worldwide WTS issues. FS can be done easily without actually doing FS. The WTS is facing record numbers of disgruntled employees resulting in lower employee output.....They can remind us all they want of '''who taught you.' but they have lost their love for the R&F and if they really want to make Matt 24:45-51 a prophecy.....then they have become the wicked slave.
If it continues on it's current path........largely dead in highly westernized societies but growing in undeveloped countries.
In their fantasy: They will have started the Second Dark Ages by spreading their doctrine to become the law of the world.
In reality: I hope they are down. I think there will always be a few that will obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger no matter what. Those are the ones that are too lazy to do their own thinking, and will not make the necessary effort to learn to discern true morals. And they will be continually hounding people to join. Hopefully, they will be totally unable to complete their Waste of Paper Distribution Campaigns.
I think there may be a very small form of the borg, say the slave or still organized areas in other countries. But I predict within 6-8 years the WTBS, as we know it, will crumble. I believe the leadership will essentially disseminate and congregations will be one their own which will equal a large falling away with the rank and file.
Those poor peeps, the rank and file, blindly following are going to have a rude awakening :/
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
The Berean
Unless the WTS figures out a way to backpeddle and institute cash tithing from their membership they will likely cease to exist within twenty years.
For decades the organization has dergredated those churches who pass the collection plate yet they have been able to coerce their faithful into supporting the headquarters by calling such bilking "needed contributions for the worldwide work" dwarfing the virtue of the Virgin Mary in comparison to the generosity of the poor widow at the well.
Jehovah's Witnesses per member have in the past actually given more of their funds to the church than other groups. It has amounted to a multi-marketing process. Individual publishers may put less in the "contribution box" st the Hall but spend great amounts of money for transportation in their "field service" activity where they recruit new membership. Each time a new one comes to the Kingdom Hall, a little more money finds its way to the Brooklyn New York branch. Therefore, a bit of the money spent to fill the gas tank recycles to the local congregation and upstream to headquarters. It's like the Obama campaign. Lots of little amounts add up to big money!
Several recent events however threaten the liquidity of the organization:
First, literature that was once sold in the public must now be given free to satisfy the legal definition of a "not-for-profit" organization. Printing propaganda now comes at a huge cost. Publishing of certain literature is now being curtailed.
Additionally, the WTS is no longer a legal "sacred cow" with many lawsuits being filed for such torts as "wrongful death" due to instructing members to refuse blood transfusions to fuduciary reponsibilty for child abuse on the part of approved servants and associates. The cost of defending and/or settling these claims is increasing by the millions.
The most important factor comes with the dramatic increase in the cost transportation. JWs are predominantly blue collar in nature with limited funds. They have told that their salvation depends on traveling throughout the world and recruiting new members. Many can no longer afford to drive endless miles to knock on doors to find no one at home or being told that they are not welcome by the householder. With a decreasing sales force and a product with no market a "going out of business sign" is already symbolically hanging on the doors of Brooklyn Bethel as at least six of its buildings have been sold and up to 2000 volunteers have been sent home.
So,. if you are among the angry or disillusioned who might enjoy the WTS's demise, remember the words of founder C.T. Russel who began printing in 1876 with words to the effect that if ever the money ran out, he would interpret that event as God's message that the work was finished. JWs back then may have operated on a shoestring but in our modern economy the "slave" can't work for free.
As it stands, the WTS is in its "last days" and you can take that to the bank!
They have no future...they wouldn't be laying off people and selling extremely valuable real estate in NYC if they weren't in serious trouble. They are losing their stranglehold on North America and alot of Western Europe and the developing countries won't bring in enough profit to keep them afloat. It's only a matter of time, 20, maybe 30 years. Max. They aren't a centuries old religion with multi-million followers, they are a small religion with a dwindling fellowship (let's face it, alot of born-ins are leaving in droves, and less newbies are coming in with all the media coverage of how they are just as corrupt as any of the other christian religions who have faced scandal). 6.5 million worldwide is nothing...they'll go down, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I'm not sure - but different than it is now....