Will they turn on religions soon?

by Seeker 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Hi Seeker. Your buddy is displaying wishful thinking. No chance. The UN preserves peoples right to believe. In the UK the government has enacted a law to prevent religious hatred. So it aint going to happen.
    What have buddhists done wrong? etc etc.



    I dont think the majority of people want to destroy religion.I do think they are starting to realise the difference between religion and fanatic cults.Hopefully measures will be taken to legaly prosecute the fanatic cults.So much damage has been done that needs to be undone!...OUTLAW

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    I see your head is still firmly stuck in the sand regarding the muslim religion and the huge difference between those teachings and Christ's. You really need to study up on just what the Koran teaches, and recognize that Mohammed was a caravan robber who converted people by force during HIS OWN LIFETIME. His 'apostles' killed each other or his spoils after HE died of poisoning.
    Still, all of that aside I am much agreed that the average muslim (who is not faithful to the whole of the koran) is one who is easy to live next to. America is showing some real signs of a revival that may be of the scale seen in the 1830's, when it led to jails and bars being practically emptied and the churches filled. The rest of the world is in revival and one of the problems in the muslim world is the pure gospel message freeing more and more from spiritual bondage.
    How telling it is that most muslims are ruled by despots whereas Christians are living in and encouraging democracies and republics!
    Did you know that 30,000 chinese are converted each day? Chinese each memorize at least one page of scripture so they don't need the banned Bibles. Each one brought in is painstaklingly taken apart page by page and given to each Christian.
    Christian missionaries work in medicine, schools and as 'tourists' where the Bible is banned. Did you know that some Hindu countries are particularly vile in their persecution of Christianity?

  • teejay


    I thought way back with the Jonestown horror that religion's days were numbered. Every time another human atrocity occurs (usually with some sort of religious overtone), eschatologists reappear to holler and scream, "The End is coming! The End is coming!!" After a while, all the noise dies down and life returns to normal.

    As you mentioned, the Administration has been very careful to delineate fundamental Muslims from the terrorists he's hunting to extinction. The whole time, he's touted the grandeur and history of one of the world's "great religions." There appears to be no threat to the Islam from these quarters. Of course, he has no choice to use this approach if he is to have the cooperation of Moslem gov'ts overseas.

    Here in the U.S., it's been clear that religion has (oddly) recently taken on a greater importance in the lives of many Americans. Church membership is up everywhere. So it seems to me that people's general attitude about religion is at an all-time high. They don't see September 11 as a religious problem.


  • Satanus


    W bush is a born again christian, methodist i believe. His father has made a statement to the affect that nonchristians should not be living in the us. He has promised many years of war on 'terrorism' in mainly muslim countries. Look at that together w the homeland security w its planned stationing of troops in various us cities. Exactly what are those soldiers going to do that the police w its state of the art equipment and swat teams can't already do? Make what you want of it. Never mind his carefully crafted public pronouncements. He has the best pr firms helping him on this campaign.


  • Julie

    Hi Seeker,

    Good to see you again dear.

    I agree with those who think that religion is getting a firmer hold on people now. It saddens me to think that we are still prone to go back in progress even though the cause for our fears are 21st century circumstances.

    No great being in the sky is going to change, improve or save things for us now or ever. Only we can do what is needed to change what is so wrong with the world we live in. If all the resources that went into religion went into improving the greater good it would be a different, much better world. But no, we would rather invest so much into a magical, mystery deity and hope he'll just take care of it all. How medieval of us.

    How's that go again? Oh yeah, the more things change the more they stay the same.

    Love to you old friend,

  • Seeker


    I see your head is still firmly stuck in the sand regarding the muslim religion and the huge difference between those teachings and Christ's. You really need to study up on just what the Koran teaches,
    I know more than you do about Islam, believe it or not (or at least so it appears from our respective comments -- you have read the Qur'an, right? I asked you that once and you didn't respond). I am well aware that according to fundamental Islamic beliefs, the world is divided into Believers and everyone else, and there is a constant state of war between these two sides until Islam is triumphant.

    Satisfied? I'm not nearly as dumb as you think I am.

  • ISP

    Fundamentalism....christian as in Branch Davidians etc. or Islamic are a problem. I don't they will get attacked but they may have charitable status removed.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Seeker,
    It's not that I think you are dumb. You are just selectively blind (Like me!) at times. You keep tip=toeing around the Jihad thing and you don't oft comment on the formation of Islam and the stark differences in the character of Christ as opposed to Mohammed.

    BTW, have you read Chilton's "Days of Vengeance"? He seems to answer the Matthew 24 and Revelation eschatology in a scriptural way, yet paints the eventual triumph of Christianity as much different from the fundamentalism of the last 200 years. It's called Dominion theology. Beware, there is a lot of misinformation out there about the whole subject of Dominion theology.
    Those who wish (the Hal Lindseys, Jack Van Impes and Tim LaHayes) for Armageddon with it's bloodshed do not like his writings.

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