Elders Appreciation Day?

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Secondly, although you guys are quick to give her a good ribbing for singing in that maudlin fashion, I do see potential.

    I agree, in fact I commended her on her singing and keyboarding on another video she posted. She could be really good with the right focus and practice.....Too bad she is so much into this Borganization, if I was single I would proably ask her out.

  • WTWizard

    Nice to have you back, Tired of the Hypocrisy.

    It sure sounds like other gatherings--they pick and choose who they want to invite, and then they disregard everyone else. Those who are "strong" in the cancer are the ones that get invited, and those whose field circus leaves something to be desired are left behind. And money has something to do with it--particularly who donates what to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

  • Hope4Others

    Oh my........poor woman.

    Great to see ya back!


  • LouBelle

    We had a dinner for our pioneers and then another one for all the old dears. We went way out and I have to admit I was part of the team puttin them on their pedestals

  • jambon1

    That is dreadfull.

  • SPAZnik

    oh my gawd, i love it

  • Anator

    Seeing this before, I always found it amazing there was never one elder or pioneer that refused this type of stuff. There was definitely an eliteness to all of this as they were always certain ones excluded from invites. I remember the very hurt faces the next day for those members when they were excluded from these functions.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I have no words!


  • Mary

    Oh brother-----that was truly painful to watch.

    But since we're showing 'appreciation for the Organization, I'd like to dedicate this video to all those who might be studying with the Witnesses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEJ4OJTgg8

  • chickpea

    a friend we had, who actually became a decent elder,
    once said that the formula for giving counsel was to

    1) offer commendation for something about the individual being counseled>>>> thank you for not embedding this video

    2) then go on to the counsel >>>> there REALLY needs to be a "gag alert" in the topic heading!

    j/k!! i actually found this to be excruciating and i was embarrassed for this woman,
    as well as somewhat thankful that she is so happy in her delusions

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