~~~ Positive thoughts, vibes, prayers this morning for my job interview ~~~

by FlyingHighNow 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    our chiro... for the last quarter century ( )
    was also a Palmer grad!! we adore him!!

    best of the best, mate!

    no need for luck, cos you da bomb!!

  • shamus100

    So, how did it go?

    Oooh, the suspense.

  • JK666


    I missed this earlier, but send positive vibes for you to get the job. Let us know how the interview went.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I think it went okay. There were 270 applicants. She chose to interview 30 or 40. I was her first interview. We shall see. I put in my application with Americorps on MOnday. Serving with them would be great. I hope to hear from them.

    I started a part time restaurant job last week. On Monday I start a second job giving samples of things at Costco. I won't work for Costco, it's a different company. So I have two part time jobs and still will not have 40 hours. I will likely be working 7 days per week though. I got a call from the Grand Rapids Public school system today about a lunchroom job. I sure never figured I'd be a lunch room lady when I was in school. I will call them tomorrow about it. In this horrible economy, we have to take what we can get when we are out of a job. *Sigh*, but I have Julian depending on me.

    I burned four gallons of gas since last night, with all the job hunting today and I worked and took Julian to his Kids Games events. He learned about archery tonight. And I picked up food from the pantry as well.

  • sweetface2233

    I understand the difficulty of searching for a job during our current economy crisis. It is not fun at all. Your Costco gig sounds kind of fun. You will get to meet a lot of people and they will LOVE you! You will be the lady w/ the free food.

    Good luck!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    You're not kidding people love free food! Put out a 1 cent square of free toast and people will push and shove each other like animals! No wonder some of those Costco sample ladies are grouchy.

    True story, last time I went to Costco, this little old lady and I were waiting for the sample lady to put out these little bites of chocolate mousse cake. We actually wanted to buy one and wanted to taste it first. The sample lady puts out the samples and all of a sudden the table is mobbed by grabby people pushing and shoving (the adults are worse than the kids, I swear!)

    So, the little old lady and I wait patiently at the side until the mob subsides and it's down to just me and her and only one sample left. I motion and tell her to go ahead as she was waiting before me. The sample lady, who was this strict German grandma type, shoots me an approving glance, cuts me a huge sample and says, "because you were so polite I will give you the chocolate decoration on top!". I felt like I was five years old and grandma's favorite child. Cracked me up. So the moral of the story is, sometimes it pays to be polite!


    ps: I was a sample lady for 3 months, many moons ago. Definitely, the kids are more fun than the adults. Better manners usually. Even when they are pushy, it's because they are so excited and joyous to be gorging on free treats.

    pps: Break a leg, FHN!

  • llbh

    Hope all goes well

    Regards David

  • caliber

    Positive vibes have been sent.. first class no less !!!!! ...........Caliber

  • Summer wine
    Summer wine

    I really hope you get the job

    Good luck !

  • lisavegas420

    update? I need to know if my magic spell worked.


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