At our recent butt numbing, mind dulling, sleep inducing district assembly on Saturday morning there
was a talk where the speaker said that we are going to make a list that shows the contrast between
Jehovah's organization and Satan's organization. The first on the list was God's organization gives us
a thorough understanding of the Bible and Satan offers higher education. I almost fell out of my chair,
the Watchtower is demonizing college!!!
There are several reasons. Currently they are loosing the youth by the thousands. The chances of
stopping being a JW increases with a college education. The WTBTS doesn't want its members to
have the abilty to think. They need to stop the bleeding of loosing the youth. Without a good paying
job the youth will be dependent on mommies and daddies purse strings which makes it much more
difficult to cut the emotional ties of fading from the cult. I know of several families where the children
are in their 20's and not on their own. They just can not afford to leave home.
The Watchtower knows that they are having difficulty recruiting new members from the outside
so they need to have growth from the inside by making JW babies. ( A friend of mine told me about
two congregations in Ohio are are disbanding because of no growth and the inablity to cover the bills)
I have known hundreds of JW families with and without a college education. Those that are educated tend
to have fewer children than those who have lower paying jobs. I have also noticed that those who had a good
education and jobs with responsibilty were also the best elders as far as leadership and speaking
ability. The recent decline in the quality and teaching ability of the elders is directly related to this.
The WTBTS is going to be making a lot of stupid rules in the future which hopefully will open the
eyes of thousands of potential JWD recruits.
TooBad TooSad