Smaller congregations are better?

by NotaNess 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotaNess

    I keep hearing this from the Dubs at work. Have heard complaints about being in bigger congregations. All I can think at those moments is... "do they even realize they are complaining about "Jehovah's" arrangements"? That's what I feel like saying.

    Another Dub also said "why can't people see that something big is coming, with all these tornados and floodings and people dying".

    I said "this stuff has been happening for centuries". Response - "not like this". Does this guy even pay attention that we're in the information age? Oh, I forgot, he's trained to think everything is a sign. My bad.

  • MeneMene

    I remember someone on another thread several months back explaining the optimum size congregation for successful mind control is about 92. I will see if I can find that thread.

  • Hope4Others

    that seems like a rather large cong...but then I live in a smaller area avg. pub 72. Then your average service meeting is about 49 - 55.


  • MeneMene

    No success finding the thread. Tried Google too and one item that came up mentioned 80 as optimum and 25 as minimum.

    At any rate - it's all about control. The smaller the group, the more control they have over individuals.

  • jwfacts
    tornados and floodings

    Funny, because the Bible didn't predict tornados or floods. It predicted:

    • War, and we are in the greatest period of peace ever from war.
    • Famine, and we have less famine related deaths now than in thousands of years.
    • Pestilence, again, less pestilence than at any time since Jesus
    • Earthquakes - fairly constant over 2000 years.

    I too remember about the optimum congregation size. Protestant research showed that 120 is the upper limit, after that too much problem with clicks.

  • blondie

    When "splitting" the goal was to have 150 publishers so that each congregation would have 75 publishers. Of course in rural areas a congregation might be smaller than that. I was told that when congregations get over 150, even if there are "sufficient" elders to monitor the "sheep" that it is too hard for the WTS to control or keep track of them. Not that many book study overseers could manage 20 people (shepherding, helping, etc.).

  • WTWizard

    The ultimate congregation size is one. Yup, each person independent of the Washtowel Slaveholdery, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, and the hounders. And it is quite easy if everyone learns the very basic (and simple) principle of morals, which I found so simple that a second grader would remember it. (In fact, it is the one practiced by babies and very small children naturally).

    Ever see a baby or small child do something volitionally that was bad for self or society, that wasn't a learning experience?

  • dogon2

    I agree, 0 would be my goal.

  • Mulan

    in the Seattle area, I know of 4 congregations that were merged into 2 because they were tooooo small.

  • greenhornet

    In the Seattle area, I know of 4 congregations that were merged into 2 because they were tooooo small.

    Where was that?


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