On Saturday June 21 at 7p.m.EST the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on Elders who have destroyed people's lives! Our guests will be former New York Elder, Charles Riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org. from the local level all the way to the top. Dick Borghi onetime Ministerial Servant knows for sure that Jehovah's Servants are not appointed by Holy Spirit. His story will show it could not be possible!
If you have experienced how Elders have ruined a good part of your life and caused much misery and would like to tell your story this week post a small tidbit of what happened on this thread and suggest you would like to tell your story on the call. We will private mail you special info.on getting on as a moderator. For all those who would like to join us listen in on Saturday June 21 at 7p.m. EST by dialing (712)432-8710 use pin 9925. There is no charge for the call only your normal calling rate. You do not need a computer just dial and pin. If you are an active Witness dialing in and do not want to be known ask for the voice changer.