Gun Controlers...Got James Madison?
by hillbilly 10 Replies latest jw friends
Most people are not sufficiently educated regarding the Revolution and the Founding. This is especially tru of our elected leaders. They don't seem to get it at all.
maybe some of you folks who say we dont know what those guys who wrote the Consitution were thiking will check this out.
Hey ..it's linked to the evil empire of the NRA... maybe you will become gun apostates.
"The Constitution preserves "the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison of Virginia, The Federalist, No. 46)
The Federalist Papers should be required reading, I have a copy at home.
Guess what Castro did with privately held arms in 1959? Batista had them all registered in 1958 and got run out of the country. Castro inherited the list.
Here is more info:
Someone please delete this thread. -
Five years ago my state of Missouri passed a concealed carry law. The gun-ban wackos were out in numbers speechifying, writing letters to the editor, holding rallys and other nonsense. The governor vetoed the bill but was overridden. We were told the streets would run red with blood that there would be daily road rage deaths and kids would be gunned down on their way to school.
Surprise! The only thing that happened was that the streets became noticeably safer.
As professor John Lott has stated "More guns equals less crime." -
In 1809, Madison became the fourth president of the United States. As president, Madison oversaw an important transition of the American psyche. When Madison became president most Americans were divided into two camps; those who supported the Constitution and a strong union, and those who wanted to return to a looser confederation of states. The War of 1812 changed all of this. After the British torched the White House and America once again won her independence Americans became committed to a strong union. Thus, Madison's commitment to winning the war, a war he was initially loathe to engage, formed a national sense of patriotism that would not be seriously tested again until the Civil War.
It fails to mention that the war with the British / Canadians was a war of aggression following a civil war. It is the equivalent of claiming that it was good that the Romans had swords so they could defend themselves. The fact is that everyone had guns was not responsible for America 'once again winning her independence' ... it was responsible for the unecessary death of thousands.
Sure, give everyone guns. Americans have been shooting each other and everyone else ever since.
Statistics show that for every gun used in self-defence many many more people are killed in aggression and accidents. More guns = more deaths, FACT.
But hey, if I had to live in America I would probably want to be armed too ...
If you trust your goverment then there really is no reason to have guns floating around society. As bad people will do bad things with them and accidents will happen... So as soon as I get a goverment I can trust I will turn in my guns!
You have whack jobs on both sides of the fence when it comes to hot button issues like this....always have, always will....
I do not own, nor have guns of any kind, hell don't even have a pocket knife anymore...I just don't feel comfortable with the idea that if I needed a gun I couldn't legaly purchase one...Guess I like the sense of having freedom of choice....funny I should feel that way....
THE government was accused yesterday of covering up the full extent of the gun crime epidemic sweeping Britain, after official figures showed that gun-related killings and injuries had risen more than fourfold since 1998.
Lessee, guns are taken away from law-abiding Brits but gun crimes rise fourfold? Hmm. Could that mean the criminals kept theirs?