It would be hard for Witnesses - or those well-disposed towards them - to watch this program and not feel disturbed by the organization's child sex abuse "policies". The organization comes across in the very same light as the Roman Catholic church which the organization used to frequently criticize for the Catholic church's secretive approach to protecting priests alleged to have abused children.
The organization's blatant hypocrisy will hopefully startle Witnesses who have enlightened consciences and move them to question its archaic and patriarchal policies on child sex.
Oh, and the pedophile's wife - herself a Witness in good standing - came across as willfully blind about her man's pedophilia and is a major embarrassment. Her screeching defence of her husband -who had also abused her granddaughter (!) - is not exactly a fine advertisement for the Witnesses' religion.. Ouch! This is definitely NOT the image wants the public to have!