It's official - my first convention

by kurtbethel 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Take a nap after lunch along with everyone else.........

  • Hope4Others

    I could be seriously stumbled. And putting on the tie, which is actually a NOOSE, is figuratively submitting to the hive and allowing yourself to be led around by SATAN.

    Then why are you going? Where's that nice suit you had on in your last avatar? Well have a blast....and I was kidding about the red hair crack.....



  • kurtbethel

    LouBelle: Never underestimate my ability to extract fun from any situation.

    shamus100: Security can do whatever they want. It is a public venue and I am an invited guest who has no intention of causing any trouble, just observing.

    WTW: I can think of many other places to go that have value. Still, I can document my experience and post here, which might marginally free up someone who was considering going. If I experience anything besides the "christian love" that all the literature boasts of then I can explain to my study conductor about my feelings of being baited and switched and express reluctance to go to a KH. I go to all sorts of places and photo document my experience. Last week it was a powwow, next week Scottish highland games.

    H4O: If 10,000 men are wearing conformed hive minded corporate suits and I wear a print shirt so I stand out, what of it? I am a free man with a free mind, and you couldn't give me a million suits to trade that away. And you never know, in a crowd that large it might be the tipping point for someone to burn their suits and make a bolt for freedom.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    kurtbethel, are you serious about all that you wrote in your original post? If so, expect a little attention from all of those around you. :)

    Have fun, and do post back after the event.

  • Satanus

    Use god's name a lot; jehovah this, jehovah that, jehovah that sister, jehovah whatever. If you wanna be considered an uber jw, like bethel special agent, use the jehoover pronunciation. Heheh. You could use the line that you are visitng from the british or australian bethel.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    The Jehoover pronunciation? I'd heard that from one or two brothers but didn't realise it was deliberate. It's an elitist thing? Really?

  • kurtbethel

    One other thing, I am just going one day. It is only 45 minutes away, and I am riding along with my JW so it is only an investment of time.

    As to what I wear, it says here in the Newest Light, Keeping Yourself in God's Love p 35

    15 The Bible does not set out for Christians a list of rules on dress, grooming, and
    hygiene. Jehovah has no desire to deny us our freedom of choice or the use of our
    thinking faculties. Rather, he wants us to become mature people who reason on
    Bible principles and who "through use have their perceptive powers trained to
    distinguish both right and wrong." (Hebrews 5:14) Above all, he wants us to be
    governed by love-love for God and neighbor. (Mark 12:30, 31) Within those
    boundaries, there is the potential for great variety in dress and grooming. Evidence
    of this can be seen in the colorfully dressed, joyful throngs of Jehovah's people no
    matter where on earth they are gathered.


    So, either they are true religion, and I keep my shirt, or they snub my shirt, which means they are lying and a False Religion.

  • Satanus


    I always thought is was of british origin. But, i see that you are over there...


  • LouBelle
    LouBelle: Never underestimate my ability to extract fun from any situation

    Now you have me worried

    Actually I'd dig to go to a foreign assembly - more attention with the different accent of course PLUS I'd throw in lots of ""oh we don't do that in SA, Oh no, we allow shorter skirts because of the heat, OUR brothers don't have to wear suits"" Field service on elephant backs - all sorts of mischief.

  • nsrn

    Of course, it's been almost 30 wonderful years since I was dragged to an assembly, and I can't possibly imagine why anyone would go willingly...

    As I recall, if you don't go looking like the 'cookie cutter' version of a witness, and carrying the right Bible (NWT, black,and visibly worn) you will be immediately identified as someone who is :

    1. "New in the Truth"

    2. "Interested"


    3. "Weak in the Truth"

    The first two will get you lots of handshakes, welcomes, and offers of directions to the literature counter. The latter will cause parents to pull their children tightly against them and frozen fake smiles. However, rebellious teenagers will find you a facinating thing to look at and wonder about during the sessions. Don't appear too squirrelly, though, or some chubby dark suited guys will tail you closely and call you brother a hundred times.

    Is my memory correct?

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