ABCNews Nightline: Segment on JW absuse cases here......

by WingCommander 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy
    I thought it was great that they brought out that Candace only sued after she found out the man had molested again and she felt she should do something. It was never about money or attacking the JW's out of spite but trying get to protect children. This is a key point Imo.
  • millie210

    Exactly Crazyguy.

    Plus, her first attempt was to contact the local elders. IF they had handled themselves better, it may very well have ended then and there.

    But they didnt. So Conti took the recourse left to her.

  • Finkelstein

    I thought it was great that they brought out that Candace only sued after she found out the man had molested again and she felt she should do something.

    Sorry but are we getting confused on the matter.

    I believe what spurred on Candace to pursue a law suit was based from the fact that he was previously charged with an assault but the elders in the Hall that she attended didn't give notice to any of the JWS there, that he had a prior conviction for pedophilia.

    She was the second victim not the first.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    I agree, pedophiles can be found in any organization but this is an Ex JW forum hence our interest in this particular religion's pedophiles. The Watchtower Organization has destroyed many an individual and many a family for lesser offenses, all in the name of pure worship and under the guise of being the one spirit directed true religion. They harshly punish those who break their own organizational rules but they themselves break Cesar's law as they see fit then turn around and use every means available within Cesar's law to avoid reproach or having to pay for their own wrongdoing. They are used to having the upper hand, calling all the shots and pressuring "sheeplike ones" into cooperating with them. Their authority means nothing in the real world and their ways are finally being exposed. This may not be enough to cause a mass JW exodus but more girls and boys may come forward and the organization will definetly suffer an erosion of its power over the flock.
  • SAHS
    Certainly pedophiles are apt to be found in any religion or organization, as there are some specific character defects common to those types of perpetrators. (I’m no psychologist, by any means, but it would seem that whatever is inside their noggins doesn’t quite tick right.) However, the thing that’s really so galling about the JWs is that they try to protect their precious WT organization at all costs because they believe it to be so infinitely and exclusively superior in all respects to anything else in the “world.” (They’re the one-and-only representative and mouthpiece for Almighty God, don’t you know! . . . . Good grief. Well, it’s actually the WT organization that catapulted me into embracing evolution.)

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