Did anyone ever have this done to them, literally? I thought it was only a figure of speech, until my mother did it to me for real. I think I was about 10 at the most, and I said the word "piss", which to my mother was the equvalent of the F-word. I had been slapped in the face a few times previously for saying it. Finally, one night, she snapped and pulled me by the arm to the bathroom, held my head under the sink, turned the water on, and rubbed soap into my mouth. I learned to never use bad language again.....around my mother.
Wash your mouth out with soap
by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends
Thankfully, no. They don't make enough soap to break my spirit.
A few times.
Bumble Bee
No I never did, but I have it on good authority from a friend that the fruity smelling soaps definately don't taste as good as they smell lol
my first dub wifes mom made her and her siblings bite throught the entire bar....when they said naughty things....she said it took hours to get the soap completly gone.......oompa
Once, but not by my own parents. The woman who did it was the mother of one of my neighborhood friends. I was probably 8 or 9 years old, and I don't even remember what bad word I said. It tasted horrible and made me sick, but what I remember most about it was feeling assaulted and humiliated (she did it in front of a bunch of other kids). Boy were my parents PISSED when I went home crying and told them what happened. I don't know what my mom said to that lady, but she never laid a hand on me again.
I think it's a mean and vile way to "discipline" a child. -
keysore, I can remember teachers doing this to students who used bad language....soap in the mouth was a
the solution for any swear words, or back talk.
For some reason I can remember the taste, I must of blocked out what happened to me....
I don't remember swearing, but I remember the taste of soap....its sickening.
My mom did it to me a few times for mouthing off. I never used any "bad" words. I think I just called her "stupid" or something like that.
That's Fxxxn' crazy. With my kids, I'll take the same approach as my fundamental theorem of child rearing. I'll tell them the truth. Whoa crazy dad, telling truth. Hello, welcome to the world, we don't have the slightest idea what's going on here, but here's what you need to understand.... Chapter 4 Social Taboos- Their Role in Society yada yada ... Pretty f'd up huh? son, yep thats the way it's worked for all of human history. Some people "believe" crossing social taboos isn't just disorderly "its wrong", like ya know "God" like we discussed in Chapter one "says so". Bring_the_Light
I remember a teacher in sixth grade taking a girl to the back of the room and washing her mouth out for saying a bad word. That was in 1960, I think.
I don't think teachers are allowed to do that today, although in a few cases I might agree..........