Well that was a shock, those Germans hey, always come through. Whose your money on now? I would like to see Turkey do well, they play with a lot of heart.
Portugal 2 Germany 3
by Peppermint 32 Replies latest jw friends
Is this some sort of sporting event?????
"Is this some sort of sporting event?????"
I would say its about life or death - But its more important than that. -
Germany only does well when they are NOT favorites. The whole german press had it as a given, that germany would lose. What happened? They won!
But now, they are starting again, just like before the game against Croatia, to think they are great. Somehow, these guys let the smoke go up to their heads pretty fast, and then it doesn't work.
It definitely was a exciting game last night, though!
"But now, they are starting again, just like before the game against Croatia, to think they are great. Somehow, these guys let the smoke go up to their heads pretty fast, and then it doesn't work"
Same problem with England I think. -
Well,turkey did well,we'll see what happens now in the semi.the winner will go on to meet .......who else,ITALY
well i am 0 for 2 with my predictions so far
so based on that it will be russia and italy in the other semi
at which point i will probably stop watching.
and certainly wont watch a germany italy final...boring(got vivalavida cd today...brilliant)
Italy plays Spain on Sunday. the spanies think theyre pretty hot right now. What with wats his name scoring most goals in the tourney but thats what happens when the spanish work hard they come close but always a step behind Italy..Italy has luck on their side...The turks are just biding time..wining on penalty kicks and sad kicks at that. Lets seeif we can hit the stands mates..lmao...
anyways Spain pass the ball pretty good so its gona be a good game...but Gattuso isnt playn and Luca toni sucks right now.so..they need luckto win.
"certainly wont watch a germany italy final...boring"
I'm with you there. Thought Turkey were a little lucky last night but they have a never-say-die attitude that I love
Did you see russia beat holland?one of the best games so far imo