Hi Everyone, For those who don't know me and those who do, Hello. My daughter's family have lossed every possession in the midwest (indiana) flood. I request your thoughts, prayers, candles, blessings to their family. My daughter is due to give birth to my grandson any day now, and they have a one year old. They were evacuated by boat last Friday and my husband and I just went over and threw away their every possession... a real mess...and we have a throw up sickness from the yuck. The community is responding with material goods, so that is not a problem, we just ask for your spiritual help. Please pray for this family. Thankyou LW
prayers and thoughts needed
by little witch 16 Replies latest jw friends
at a loss for words... I don't pray much these days, but when I do I'll be sure to pray for your family and all the victims of this terrible disaster.
so sorry to hear. -
White Dove
Little Witch,
I'm so sorry for your family's losses, but I'm glad they all got out safely.
Now, what color of candle would be best for this devastating occasion?
Congratulations on your littlest witch!
I am so very sorry to hear about all you & you're family are going through....
Your request has been honored.
I'm so sorry to hear of their plight.
Peace and love to them and you.
little witch
thank you all white dove, I dont know what candle, am hoping pegans know. lets see, green for money, red for bonding romance, white for favor? anything but wrong... Thanks guys for prayers and blessings. I am very grateful for your thoughts. LW Please dont be put off by my screen name. it has total different meaning. use search. Although I am open and receptive of any spirit filled blessings!
White Dove
OK, candles I lit for you: Black for banishing negativity, lavendar for healing, and green for prosperity.
Lots of blessings to you and your family during this horrible time.
Love, White Dove
I've been there after Katrina but with just half of my house. I cried and cried and people told me I shouldn't because other people had it worse. It didn't matter because I was hurt and I wanted someone to care about me. I'm just so happy that she has you to care about her. Just in case a little hope helps: FEMA and the Red Cross actually gave me enough money to come out better after the accident. I had a family member that their house burned down and their replacement insurance covered so well that they ended up better after the fire. I hope for her that her story is much like ours.
little witch
Thanks Kids! Same here, things look better than before... You know, I told my hubby this morning that it will work out better if it is a total loss. I am awaiting FEMA to say it is hopeless and they will be in a better circumstance than before. Thank you women of Faith you always come through! (Not that the prayers of men are less) Oh crap, now I've started it! LOL
Babylon the Great Employee
Is there a local charity in your community we can donate to? Or is aid coming mainly from the Red Cross?