Lola needs a hug

by lola28 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    I had a Really.Bad.Day. I was in tears for about four hours and my head still hurts from crying. sigh. I need my fluffy pillow, I just want this day to be over already.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Lola, what happened, honey?

  • Tara

    ((((((((((Lola)))))))))). Sorry you had a bad day.

  • Bring_the_Light

    Breasts are pretty much a get-a-hug free card. I'd say play it! Wee!

  • lola28

    Work finally got to me. I had someone scream at me this moring and call me a lair along with accusing me of fraud and filing a complaint with the CA DOI. I did nothing wrong but my boss also got on my case for not telling him this client had a problem or rahter that this client was a problem waiting to happen. The thing is that I had told him and he forgot, not only that but I did nothing wrong and everyone I spoke with told me the same thing. I still can't help but feel bad because honestly, I may be a lot of things but I'm not a liar and I did my best to help this guy only to have him make serious charges against me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Lola, what repercussions can come from his complaints? Is he just blowing hot wind up everyone's skirt?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yup. Crap roles down hill. Sorry to hear you had a bad day.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    That blows. Sorry to heart that.

    "First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst. "
    Dale Carnegie

  • changeling

    (((((((((Lola)))))))))) changeling :)

  • lola28

    Well the DOI will conduct an investigation, and I’ll have to give them his file so they can sort out what happened. This was just a major misunderstanding and I have all the documents that prove I did nothing wrong, it’s just going to be a headache to deal with all the paper work involved. The problem is that this guy really believes that I did something wrong because someone gave him information on his account that was wrong.

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