Hope you feel better soon Lou. maybe you were at the height of the fever and will start improving now.
Don't worry about Sunday - that'll just make you feel sick!
And your daily challenge is - stop looking at the contents of your hankie lol!!
by LouBelle 18 Replies latest jw friends
Hope you feel better soon Lou. maybe you were at the height of the fever and will start improving now.
Don't worry about Sunday - that'll just make you feel sick!
And your daily challenge is - stop looking at the contents of your hankie lol!!
Kurt, jy klink soos 'n regter Suid Afrikan se mens. Ek wil he' dat jy heer kom sodat ek vir jou 'n klein soentjie kan gee. Seeing you would lift my spirits I'm sure. Sademo, it's automatic :-)
I'll send you some Chicken Soup and bread rolls in the mail from Australia to South Africa....otherwise eat lots of Garlic! GARLIC!!!
Ek wil weet as Kurtbethal gaan kuier, ons kan vir hom 'n bietjie regte egte Suid Afrikaanse hospitaliteit wys... wat dink jy, Lou?
Feel better soon girlfriend!
Ek wil weet as Kurtbethal gaan kuier, ons kan vir hom 'n bietjie regte egte Suid Afrikaanse hospitaliteit wys... wat dink jy, Lou?
Feel better soon girlfriend!
Ja PDB, ek dink so, hy is baie oulik, ek hou van hom. Ek hoop hy sal een dag kom. Ah chicken soup and rolls sound good!
1 am sunday morning, dont want to cough because it F-ing sore. Up drinking a cocktale of drugs (only take if i really have too) Rubbing vicks on my feet, chest & throat, drinking med lemon. All thoughts of doing the race later are far gone :-( This is the shittiest I've felt in years, positive thoughts - I WILL get better!
I was a mamber of a swimming club for several years.
A doctor I knew there, said it was dangerous to force yourself to do strenuous exercise when you have a bad cold. The virus can then attack the heart. Apparently people with bad colds regularly drop dead on marathons because of this.
keep warm. banish the man to the spare room.