Well, It Didn't Take Long for Obama to Play the Race Card...

by owenfieldreams 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    It's true that individually, black versus white shouldn't matter. But taken as a whole, the Republicans really need to do more than tokenism. If they can develop more minority candidates (such as the one you mentioned) and really look more like America, then any accusations of racism (true, false or in-between) against the Republicans will naturally and rightly diminish. Then race would really become a non-starter in American politics (at least at the national level).

  • owenfieldreams


    Read the article that I posted the link to, my friend. It's very obvious to anyone with a brain that BO is trying insert race into this campaign. The other nominee(McCain) is going out of his way to not even bring the subject up.... so now, WHO is playing the race card???

  • BFD

    I read about this today. I think it was a mistake for Obama to say this. I hope McCain just ignors it otherwise it will become all about race. We'll see.


  • beksbks
  • owenfieldreams

    BFD, As someone that does not have a 'dog in the fight' and thinks McCain is woefully inept in a lot of areas, I don't think he will take the bait on this one...He will take the high road and continue to focus on Iraq and national security differences that he and BO have. At least that's my prediction...

  • OtisBarker

    Black, good.

    White, bad.

    Obama, good.

    McCain, bad.

    It feels good to feels bad.

    Vote democrat.


  • blkblk13

    Obama is the one inserting race? What a ridiculous statement! I guess Obama made these buttons and starting selling them @ the GOP Convention in Texas last week?


    Or Obama also advised notoriously right wing Fox News to refer to Michelle as his "Baby Mama"?


    Anyone w/ half a brain or any knowledge of the recent history of the Republican Party in this country knows that his race will be used as a wedge issue just as easily as Gay marraige has been used. Even though neither party is perfect the GOP has proved time again to be disgustingly bigoted and prejudiced. They may not make his race an official talking point but they will use it when campaigning against him.

  • yknot

    Wasn't Obama raised by his white mother & grandparents from 2-6 years after his dad split? After his mom married his Indonesian muslim step-dad they moved to Jakarta until he was 10? At 10 he moved back to his white grandparents who continued to raise him until adulthood?.........Not your typical 'black American' youth?.....In fact he should just ran on the race/ethnicity he is.....both!

    It seems he has lost an opportunity to unite versus pander......oh wait I forgot he did the pandering thing when he brought out his "granny" (not related but the polygamous wife of gramps) whom he met at 26.....yet no sign of his grandmother who lives in Hawaii still.

    As auntie to biracial Americans.......I can tell you they don't need to see him choosing one race over another.

    I will attest that his race is of very little issue with Texas Republicans who 'crossed over' this election to vote Democrat (many the 1st time or only the 2nd since LBJ). It is the militant Muslim family back in Africa & his recently 'former' church affliation & it's code that have them quaking in their boots...

    Michelle's comments are discouraging and disappointing. However her comments are similar to what her church preaches, which is division. Personally I would like to see full assimilation not segregation!

    Oh and yes that statement was a throwing the race card down on the table.........frankly it is weak, very very weak. He is suggesting that McCain and McCain supporters (ie demographic) are racist, that honest examination of issues is beyond their abilities. Yes there are some old Republicans out there who are racist (sexist too for that matter) but it doesn't necessarily reflect the general attitudes of most Republicans. Such comments are broad, fearmongering, & smear tatics.

    I would like to see a lot less grand standing and more issues & solutions to those issues without further alientating potential voters (McCain's nomination is frought with internal discord among Republicans).

    For the record I am undecided since Hil dropped out!......I know what to expect with McCain but he causes polar feelings, I don't see much in Obama's pdf plan that I downloaded from his site having much bite versus bark and right now I feel like he really doesn't want me as a voter (white middle class mom who believes in god, guns, and enforcing the immigration laws)

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    EFF' the race card.here is where I stand................. I just saw a quick news blurb happen.........as if it were no big deal.....Chevron, and exxon/mobil are "finally" going back into the oil fields in Iraq....which they got booted out of in 74 by Hussein's people....Okay there goes the weapons of mass destruction argument for good...(hello war for oil)..now today I see congress has approved a bill for 132 BILLION $ for the war.......Are you friggin kidding me? Meanwhile the oil co's are posting record breaking profits,and the economy is in the TANK! THE BIG CO"S OF TODAY ARE MAKING A KILLING OFF THE BACKS OFF EVERYDAY WORKING CLASS AMERICANS'!!!! and what can we do???.... Nothing..... So don't go preaching to me the minor problems of race card, and Democrat vs. republican..... If we don't do away with special interest groups, and lobbyists....WE(and that includes you my dear poster) are ALL screwed!....get ready for another GREAT DEPRESSION......... it's closer than you think.

  • passive suicide

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