I think the mike doesn't have a clue about spousal abuse. Arguing is not the same thing. We're talking about violence that escalates until the victim is in real risk of being killed. The organization covers up family violence just the same way they cover up pedophiles. They mostly are decent people, but they don't know how to help and should quit trying. It's an organization that is really set up to shelter pedophiles, family violence, child abuse under the guise of pleasing god.
Servant Step-dad strangles Pioneer mom Elders ask them to reconcile??
by Witness 007 32 Replies latest jw experiences
I think the mike doesn't have a clue about spousal abuse. Arguing is not the same thing. We're talking about violence that escalates until the victim is in real risk of being killed.
Oh I agree 100%. In fact I would even suspect "the mike" of being new in "the truth". He obviously is either wearing rose coloured glasses or hadn't encountered a real situation yet. I haven't had the elders in my life to that degree but I know others that have and it wasn't good.
Sometimes yes they do give good advice. There are some words of wisdom in the bible, even Ghandi recognized that. I have recieved good advice from an elder (and bible based) in the past. However for the most part, as stated earlier, most of these men have no qualification what so ever to deal with any complex issue, minor stuff is generally ok but spousal abuse is way over their heads.
Witness 007...I wish you luck and hope you're able to convince your mom to at least leave him and stay away from him if nothing else.
Elders are just doing a job.they'll tell you whatever the society tells them to say.use your head,every case is different,yes going back together is the best thing but,under the right circumstances.
Here, I made this especially for people like Mike.
Dear: [x]Book taught loony [ ]Person with an inflated ego [x]Person who made a ridiculous claim I cannot bother to reply to your post in the future because I would feel as though: [x]The more I talk to you, the dumber I get. [x]We've discussed this topic ad nauseum and you didn't check the previous threads. [x] No matter how much evidence we show you, you're still deluded enough to stand by your own wrong opinion. [ ]It's painful to watch you whither into a sea of incoherent babble. [ ]You refuse to debate with me in a straightforward manner and I'm not going to be bothered trying to exchange first grade insults. You won the battle. I don't care anymore. Just don't try to steal my action figures. I would bother to flame off against you except you: [x]Cannot accept reality [ ]Don't really know how to flame so you're trying to win this debate by using logical fallacies or using a series of double entants to hopefully try to draw me into a quagmire. In the future [ ]Don't reveal too much about yourself [x]Make sure to do some research before you flame again. [x]Try not to hurt your brain by continuing this debate. Thank you.
The 5 minute troll responder was brought to you by CRR. Use this whenever somebody brings up a topic that you feel as though will waste your time.
White Dove
Mike the Bible thumping Pr!ck,
These aren't fights we are talking about. These are unlawful violent acts against another person that if reported are punishable by fines and jail time.
The Bible was put together by old Catholics. It's missing a lot of stuff thanks to misogyny.
White Dove
I will not take part in welcoming to this board anyone who supports misogyny and unlicensed family therapists. Elders practicing without a license to counsel serious family matters are breaking the law.
Anyone who ever read the Bible from cover to cover can recognize the woman hating theme. It's way to simplistic to be used for complex issues alone.
I know there are some really strange relationships in the org. They used to encourage women to put up with anything and everything. They would tell them , how will you take care of yourself? ie, better to be abused but not homeless. This is one area where our entire society has let women down. thank goodness it is easier to get help now. Many times people do stay in dysfunctional relationships due to not having skills to survive.
George from Seinfeld used to say that he "was a product of his parents staying together". sad but true.
The 5 minute troll responder was brought to you by CRR. Use this whenever somebody brings up a topic that you feel as though will waste your time.
Thank you CRR, I like it.
I know there are some really strange relationships in the org. They used to encourage women to put up with anything and everything. They would tell them , how will you take care of yourself? ie, better to be abused but not homeless.
I agree, but given the chauvanistic attitude of the Writing Dept., and the fact that they live in a bubble, it doesn't come as a surprise. I remember a Craptower study article about 15 years ago that was talking about grounds for seperation. One of them was "extreme physical cruelty". One of the elders put up his hand and actually said that the abuse would have to be "extreme" and if a husband comes home from work in a bad mood and slaps his wife, that's not grounds for seperation and that she "has to forgive him". I was stunned and disgusted and I looked over at another friend of mine in total disbelief. After the meeting was over, my girlfriend went and ripped into him for saying such a stupid thing and I said "So Joe, if I come to the Kingdom Hall in a bad mood one day and I knock your teeth down your throat, does that mean that you have to forgive me?" He gave me a filthy look and didn't respond. (surprise, surprise).
Getting back to the whole bible study aspect of the thing, Jesus promoted higher principles than just a list of rules. (Matthew 19:3-11) A marriage divinely sanctioned by God should be marked by deep love and respect. Now that's the kind of marriage that has eternal qualities about it.
As soon as a marriage descends in to violence, it's over. It is a corruption of the ideal and must not be maintained, honored, or respected.