your welcome..... but I am just passing the link on.....
I noticed that it is already somewhat outdated by this years noolite .....
I wonder if George will issue 'updates' similar to the WTS to add to his dictionary?
by RR 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
your welcome..... but I am just passing the link on.....
I noticed that it is already somewhat outdated by this years noolite .....
I wonder if George will issue 'updates' similar to the WTS to add to his dictionary?
I already wrote a dub dictionary 12 years ago.
Mine is free and probably more to-the-point. It is certainly more funny. The WT religion is funny, so any dictionary should also be funny.
Send me 80 bucks and I'll send you funny!
Farkel's "Handy JW 'Apostate' Glossary"
Downloading now.... is it anything like this:
The book is a terrible disappointment. While the author mentions some controversial items, it's primarily an apologetic for the JWs.
Start with "Gentile Times." This is a "historical" dictionary?
Next go to "Higher Powers." It leaves the impression that the change in the 1920s is still held today.
In the article on Russell, it mentions his writing the Studies in the Scriptures and only refers to 1914. No mention about the rest of Russell's chronology.
Has anyone ever read the explanation given under "Shareholders" about why the Board of Directors and the Governing Body were "separated" in 1971 elsewhere in WT publications?
The article "Charitable Work" reads like a propaganda piece.
The article on Raymond Franz is inaccurate as to why Franz was disfellowshipped. Perhaps Chryssides has never read Franz's works?
I could go on and on, but as an Historical Dictionary of JWs this book is a failure.