Okay-here's one I was thinking about the other day-after reading some of your posts. Have you ever been shunned by a JW who you know was doing (or had done) some really devious things? For instance when I was df'd the first person to give me the five minute long evil eye at the grocery store was a sister who had five children by two different fathers and a sixth child who was molotto (she was white) and she insisted that she had no idea why he came out so dark skinned.....she was never df'd. So why was she so visciously shunning me? Was it because I wasn't as clever and ruthless a liar as she was?
Another example- my sister-in-law has never spoken to me-never. I've been with my hubby for 7 years and df'd the whole time so she has never spoken to me. Well she was df'd for a short six months, during which time she serial fornicated and somehow she still managed to get herself reinstated quickly despite the community service. Somehow she feels she is better than me. At least I fornicated with the same person and then married him!
And here's the ultimate story: my hubby's aunt is baptised, doesn't go to many meetings, just assembly's and family functions. Well she also party's like a rock star and has lived with a man on the weekends (with her husband on weekdays) for as long as I've known her. When my husband and I got together she actually took his ex-wife's (a JW) side and treated us really badly. Of course his ex said we were together before their divorce and this wasn't true-but even if it was WHO WAS SHE TO JUDGE????
Why is not being df'd a license to treat people like crap when you are acting the same (or worse ways) in private? Anyone else got some juicy stories to share?