Iraq war for oil? Question for Bush haters

by 5thGeneration 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    While there are a host of reasons for invading Iraq concern for the people of Iraq is not really one of them although our prez likes to sell that motive as one reason, only a bafoon would beleive it.

    Democracy is suppose to be another reason but who in their right mind would beleive that motive, better spelled out would be US capitalist governmental control,, with a sprinking of US type democracy.

    Oil figures in big as a reason,, being that the US form of government is highly capitalistic in nature with oil companies exerting heavy political influence. Also it can easily be seen the the US is the only super power and wishes to keep that status and is the most heavily armed world power in history. Also the interest of the military industrial complex and big profits no doubt play their influencial part.

    I'm sure the list of reason is rather big those are just a few,, simplistic one reason cause for the war is just not tenable IMO.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    The Iraq war had nothing to do with getting better prices for consumers. It was an ideological war that was waged with the naive assumption that America could essentially create a strong partner in the middle east that would help put pressure on surrounding nations not in line with American interests (especially Iran). If such an idealistic outcome actually did come to pass America would come out of it much stronger than it had gone in. Think of an America in which the Afgan war as well as the Iraq war actually went as hoped by those who pushed for it. The funny thing about all of this is that while the intent of this war was to make America an even stronger player on the world scene, it has actually weakened it.

  • 5go

    Iraq was about securing oil for the US not making it cheaper. Along with a laundry list of other things that other posters have mentioned. Also it was about securing the petro-dollar. Which backfired in the US's face do to the fact OPEC ended up trashing the petro-dollar anyway.

  • Simon

    Having control of a dwindling resource when demand is going up does *not* make it cheaper (du-huh).

    It's not about oil as such - I doubt Bush or Cheney really give a shit whether you can fill your car or not. It is about money and power which control of oil currently provides.

  • IP_SEC

    I really dont care for Bush... well... I like bush... but thats a different story.

    The war in Iraq had less to do with oil than it did in dissmanteling project looking glass.. Thats my story and im sticking to it.

    PS: No, not the Sun Microsystems 3d desktop environment.

  • RavenManiac

    I can't stand Bush or his administration. Hope he likes all that money he's making. 1/20/09 is his last day. It won't come too soon.

  • beksbks

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