While there are a host of reasons for invading Iraq concern for the people of Iraq is not really one of them although our prez likes to sell that motive as one reason, only a bafoon would beleive it.
Democracy is suppose to be another reason but who in their right mind would beleive that motive, better spelled out would be US capitalist governmental control,, with a sprinking of US type democracy.
Oil figures in big as a reason,, being that the US form of government is highly capitalistic in nature with oil companies exerting heavy political influence. Also it can easily be seen the the US is the only super power and wishes to keep that status and is the most heavily armed world power in history. Also the interest of the military industrial complex and big profits no doubt play their influencial part.
I'm sure the list of reason is rather big those are just a few,, simplistic one reason cause for the war is just not tenable IMO.