Paragraph 19-21 are under the heading "Fight Against Independant Thinking".
The question box at the end of the article contains the question "What is an evidence of independent thinking, and what can help us to avoid it? "
The clear answers from the paragraphs are that noting that "Gods organization has made adjustments in the past, to point out their fallability is the result of "Pride" and independent thinking can be avoided by remembering where you learned Bible truths in the first place. "
I'm looking right at these things and I can't believe its there. If you think for yourself, you're wrong and have a personality defect (pride). VERY illuminating, huh?
January 15th 1983 Watchtower
by Bring_the_Light 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yeah, simple amazing. Whats evening more incredible is the fact that WTBS criticized The catholic religion for SUPPRESSING free and independent thinking. In one of V's videos @ watchtower comments on youtube, he pointed out the exact articles and compared the 2. Night and day difference, and for some odd reason it gave me goose bumps when I looked it up on the WTBS CD and verified the exact quote from the Watchtower article. It's god given freedom in one article and then a hinderance in the next.
I imagine a lot of us read that and thought nothing of it or said yes isn't that true....
I imagine a lot of us read that and thought nothing of it or said yes isn't that true....
***** Heads bobble up and down in agreement *****
i remember the experience of the man who was disfellowshipped for "pride".
he was a handicapped man, who had been featured as a awe inspiring article in the awake.
his only crime, researching and questioning.
the saddest thing was, his only income involved having witnesses as clients...... he lost a mojority of clients by being df'd.
wonder what happened to the poor man.... feel sorry for what df'ing can do to some
regarding v's video that mentions JW criticizing the Catholic church.....what was the source of that...was it in a WT? or where is the video....Thanks........oompa
remembering where you learned Bible truths in the first place. "
If the "truths" keep changing, they weren't "truths in the first place", were they?
Yep. This was around the time period that my questioning teenage mind was starting to go on tilt.
If you don't understand or agree then you have an issue with humility. You are not meek enough. You must prostrate yourself before the human represetatives of the Lord and chastise your arrrogant thoughts. Why the apostle Paul would lead his body as a slave for cryin' out loud.
Remember..."doubt is the beginning of falling out." My favorite DC quote. It would have been at Dodgers Stadium.
Most JW's wouldn't be able to spot any inconsistency if they saw both quotes next to each other. Now THAT is sad.