New Music/Artisit Recommendations?

by purplesofa 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I recommend the new Allison Kraus/Robert Plant album. Who'd have thought that combo would've worked....but it does.

    If you're into old school Americana, Levon Helm (of The Band fame) has a great album out called "Dirt Farmer". I think it won a Grammy.

    I like the new Neil Diamond album. It's not earth shattering but it reminds me of how entertaining he really is. His preivious album, "12 songs" is pretty good too. Rick Rubin (of bringing Johnny Cash back to popularity fame) produced both of Diamond's last two albums.

    "The Shepard's Dog" by Iron and Wine is pretty good.

    If you need more beat, the new album from Black Rebel Motorcyle Club is good. And the new psychodelic slash goth album by The Black Angels is great.

  • nvrgnbk
  • Nosferatu

    The Hollies have a fairly new album out and it sucks, so don't buy that one.

  • Twitch
  • purplesofa

    I did get the Adele cd.

    I like her will be interesting to see how she grows.


  • Preston

    M. Ward and Bright Eyes.

    - Preston

  • hamilcarr
  • BabaYaga

    The best way to find new music is to listen to Pandora.

    For those of you who have not yet discovered this treasure, go here:
    and type in your favorite band. They create a "radio station" based on that music.

    It is completely free and a GREAT way to hear new music that you would not hear on the corporate radio stations.

    Baba .

  • MsMcDucket

    I, rarely, buy new music. The last "new music" that I bought was "Sensual Seduction" by Snoop Dogg! I loved that video!

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    There is a great new artist called Lisa Theunissen - I actually went to school with her, and discovered recently that she is based in the UK and a musician - she is awesome and I am loving her stuff - check out her website to sample her music

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