Purp-That was such a nice post. Well thought out.
I wanted to add that I have actually gone on other boards as a type of experiment (no other ex-JW boards) but other boards that interested me, and I pushed different boundaries to learn the rules on my own. As ex-JW's haven't we all learned by experience after leaving?
I just wanted to say that for me personally, it works to keep a thick skin, I don't get involved in discussions that I feel I will debate with too much passion because I know from experience I can hurt other people's feelings easily, and I try to put things softly, (please, thank you and all the other manners in between).
With that said I feel that this board is really productive for those of us coming out of the fog. If you can find some personal boundaries that work for you, you can use this interaction as part of a healing process-talking to other people who understand a part of your life that no one else would.
I hope that each person on here can find a way to make it work for them.