Terry, I am sorry the goons gave you a hard time. I would have flipped my cellphone on video and told them , "Smile guys , you're going to be on TV". tonight!" It's too bad the newspaper reporters who write these WT puff piece JW convention stories are never around to see what happened to you Terry. They might just write good follow up story on the JW spiritual paradise.
Tossed out of the District Convention! What did I do wrong? I exist!!
by Terry 122 Replies latest jw friends
Jehovah-laden air
You should have said, "Okay, I will leave, but just because I slept with that Sister and she is feeling guilty about it should be no reason to treat me this way. She came after me, not me after her! I just came here to confess as she has refused too, that is all, but if you feel that keeping Jehovah's Congregation clean is of no consequence....goodbye".
You were curious about stopping by for a while, that's normal. Thought maybe you could catch up with some people you hadn't seen in a long time, that's normal. Quietly left the scene when confronted with two religious fanatics with chips on their shoulders who imagined you were a threat, that's normal too, a reasonable response. You were the man, they were the wimps. You were normal, they were screwballs.
To lurkers... see how silly it is? Attendants pushing people around, acting tough, hurting feelings. You have to admit, it's not right. Is it more like Jesus, or more like Pharisees? -
Why do you think the two "security" goons brothers took what the "sister" told them as "facts"? They didn't know the situation or your status. Why did they believe everything she said about you? she could have been lying for all they know.
btw, that "sister's" actions proves that she is evil!
When Terry called me Friday and related what had happened my response was f..em, lets go anyway. Later when we disscussed it we both agreed we wouldn't. We spent Saturday doing other things and took in a movie.
Yet, I know my friend. It was on his mind and bothered him. The shabby treatment. The humiliation of having a couple of goons tell you to leave. All on the whispered say so of a self rightous weasel. You see, even though Terry left with an outward display of dignity and there was no incident, you can bet the story got circulated around. Swollen like toads with self rightious piety from mouth to ear, all around it went how the "apostate" was stopped at the door. I know the girl, she wallows in that kind of pig shit. Braying like a donkey telling all who would listen. As if jehovah's going to put a little gold star next to your name in the big book of life.
I didn't realize till now how closed a society the wt has become. How much the stench of fear is ever present in their nostrils. I won't say thirty, forty years ago a person would not have been shown the door for what ever reason. I'm sure it happened from time to time. I will say thirty, forty years ago Terry and myself could have walked into a dc, as long as we minded our own bussiness, and would have been left alone. Oh, we may have been watched from a distance, to be sure. It would have been without fear.
The jw's have become a people filled with fear, dread and animosity. Toward the world and toward themselves. Letting their fear mongers whip them into a frenzy of hate and spite. Only a hatefull, spitefull person would have done what Pam did and feel good about it. Whatever shakey outward show of love the wt may have had vanished long ago.
Terry, I feel bad about what happened, but I'm glad we didn't go.
I agree completely, but the prejudices of the typical cake-eater would just revert to visions of braindead or brainwashed automatons so I felt like I needed to voice some righteous indignations. In my case, and maybe your's, soldiers are what happens when a man/woman decides they DON'T want to be like a witless. :oP
I had a Vietnam Vet (now PO) come up to me kinda snottyish "so a bit disillusioned with the military" I couldn't stop myself from responding "well I was never really 'illusioned' in the first place". Hehe, our eyes met and he knew I wasn't only talking about the military. Ahh. I have a lot of respect for a man who's been through what he was wanting to embrace passivism/religion, but that doesn't give him permission to disrespect me or anyone else. In some cases experience and perspective does not equal wisdom. No Mr. RamboPO I do not subjugate my opinions, thinking or conscience to your holier than god self.
War is the worst thing there is. That is very easy to agree about. What to do about it is much more difficult.
Bring_the_LightWhich is why you're right about the Third Reich comparison.It is an extreme form of conditioning and misplaced devotion.To manipulate one into a particular way of thinking,to bring into a desired altered state of mind.In contrast,most soldiers embrace individualism while carrying out the duty for which they've been trained and assigned.Combat training endeavors to get a person ready for just that, combat.Which involves a certain amount of conditioning and obviously not all conditioning is bad.However,people of all walks of life and situtations are subject to manipulation.A person could be conditioned to carry out something which they feel is right, such as Muslim extremists suicide bombers. Of course, that trick only works once, so they need a continual supply of "properly motivated" people and therein lies a scary similarity with the bOrg.JW's have a extremely low retention rate and a continual supply of indoctrinated ones is needed, and as we know, indvidualism and free thought is completely discouraged, even demonized. When one completely gives themselves to a cause, specifically one with nefarious ends under the guise of "good", then terrible things can happen.Conditioning also becomes more solidified when one is under threat of punishment for not furthering "the cause".So naturally, this translates to fear.And abhorrence of, and rude acts toward, an "apostate", can also largely be the result of one projecting their fears onto another, a fear that they themselves might be viewed as an aposate if they don't show outward rejection.Maybe even fear that they themselves could become what they currently detest.I personally do have a concern that this org could turn into a massive Jonestown or Heaven's Gate type of situation.I'm sure some find that rather farfetched; but it all had to start somewhere,those people didn't just wake up with that mindset one day. Hopefully, I didn't go off on too much of a tangent here...
So you got tossed out eh?..LOL!!.....Join our religion!..
..Stay out of our Kingdom Halls and Assemblie`s!..
You were curious about stopping by for a while, that's normal. Thought maybe you could catch up with some people you hadn't seen in a long time, that's normal. Quietly left the scene when confronted with two religious fanatics with chips on their shoulders who imagined you were a threat, that's normal too, a reasonable response. You were the man, they were the wimps. You were normal, they were screwballs.
To lurkers... see how silly it is? Attendants pushing people around, acting tough, hurting feelings. You have to admit, it's not right. Is it more like Jesus, or more like Pharisees?Only another Ex JW would even understand this a little.
You are right, of course.
Oh I forgot to add, I'll be your friend Terry, if you join MY cult :oP
One naughty thing I might do if one particular shunnerpants gives me the evil eye (talking about you Phil, congratulations! You popped by "shunned" cherry, you will always be special to me buddy! It felt good (he could be lurking here, naughtypants!)) .... Is walk over and make some remark about how I miss our friendship, but I can't associate unless he/they get stronger in "the truth".
Another would be *make crazy eyes* "I'll be your friend, if you join my cult" *continue crazy eyes*
Ahh, I'd actually prefer the equivalent of a cordial class reunion, but what are the chances of that? I have a feeling I'll be popular amongst any trapped souls. Its an experiment worth making.