In the very early days of my explaining to certain witnesses my doubts, I kind of ran through all of them. They probobly merged into one big hodge-podge of apostate doubting nonsense. - The nephilim penis size, the animals in the ark, the she bears killing the kids, Davids baby being killed by god for his adultery, jesus sacrifice not really being a sacrifice, the torture of JW's in the camps, appointment of elders, the changing doctrines.........But more than a few elders/rank & file witnesses told me that I "think about stuff too much". "You think too deeply Jambon". I mean for god's sake, isn't that a good thing?
Did anyone get told that they 'think about things too much'?
by jambon1 28 Replies latest jw friends
All my life growing up.
But then I was a very curious child with a vivid imagination who could sit and just think or daydream for hours.
I definitely asked "too many questions", that had no other answers than to wait for Jehovah (or his org.).
I think it paid off as I became an adult.
White Dove
I was always accused of thinking too much.
I thought that was a stupid accusation.
Now, I can find my own answers because I know how to critically think about things instead of just finding something doesn't fit.
I now know why something doesn't make sense.
It's because those things that I wondered about and asked about were full of logical falicies.
My CO actually told me he had never met anyone like me..How could I have spent a year digging into and researching something.....I must be obsessed...and really need to let it go and wait on Jehovah and trust in is his organization...not run ahead of it......seriously...straight faced and all.............oompa
oh and
Nephilim penis size?
Ok just go ahead and ask oompa whacha wanna know!
The WBTS has said on many occasions that thinking about certain things to the extreme (especially things that they themselves cannot answer) is a waste of energy. Energy that could be used in FIELD SERVICE.
One horrible example I remember of this had to do with the confusion of whether or not animals originally ate vegetation only. The Bible seems to indicate that animals only ate vegetation until after the FLOOD. That's the story that the WBTS is going with. I can't remember if this was a legitimate article or if this was a Questions from Readers article but it went something like this:
If all animals (that did not evolve, by the way) were all herbivores, how do you explain things like claws and flesh ripping teeth? The Watchtower response? These could have been used for more than one purpose. Even humans have hands that can be used to kill prey or for other purposes.
The OBVIOUS next question is: What about creatures that have features that can ONLY be used for ONE purpose: to kill other animals. Venomous spiders and snakes, for example. Why would they ever need to bite and inject deathly venom into something if they were never going to eat it? What about animals that are poisonous to KEEP other animals from eating them?
The answer? Well, we don't know. Focus your attention on spiritual matters.