by Mindchild 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Perhaps one of the most problematic psychological traits of humans and other species to analyze by methods of statistical analysis is motivation. Last summer, my colleagues at the University of Minnesota published a joint paper with me that started a new field of science known as Chronosociobiology, which is a study of social systems over time. Our first study was done on studying the motivation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for a 50-year period. We showed in this paper that there was a statistically significant correlation between the amount of time spent by publishers in the field service with both the steady geomagnetic field of the earth and time variables that ranged approximately 11 years in length. Several months ago, we had a thread on here discussing the results of the research work.

    In light of the recent publication of the 2001 Service Year data, I decided to spend a few hours updating my work and seeing if I could explain things a little simpler to show the cyclic nature of not only human motivation but also to do a prediction on the activity of the Witnesses for coming years.

    Our previous research project determined that the most likely relationship with human motivation is with a form of geomagnetic activity called geomagnetic or ULF pulsations. These are an unusual type of electromagnetic wave that have great time periods that are measured in minutes per cycle. These waves have the ability to create what are called “eddy” currents in brain tissue, and they are now known to be involved in a wide variety of human relationships that include influencing human reaction time to creating visual hallucinations. Simply put, the eddy currents either inhibit or stimulate different parts of the brain and create a state known as LTP or long-term potentiation.

    Known excitation mechanisms for ULF pulsations can be grouped into four different classes: (1) plasma instabilities at the boundaries of the magnetosphere; (2) instabilities of the internal magnetospheric plasma distributions; (3) wave generation outside the magnetosphere and subsequent propagation into the magnetosphere; and (4) macroscopic changes of the magnetospheric configuration.

    Because of the complex relationship with the geomagnetic field and the specific lack of widespread and long-term records of pulsations by rapid run magnetograms at geomagnetic observatories, scientists must use other established geomagnetic variables to demonstrate relationships with biological phenomena on time scales that extend for decades. Fortunately, there is a established relationship with the geomagnetic field as a whole by means of a variable known as C9.

    The Character figures indices C9 has nearly the longest records of all geomagnetic activity. The Character index is generated daily at each geomagnetic observatory in the world. It gives a determination of the level of disturbance at each observatory for each Greenwich day. A number (0,1,2) is assigned depending upon whether the geomagnetic records appear to be quiet, moderately disturbed or severely disturbed. The average over all observatories (over 200 stations) is termed the international character figure Ci. A non-uniform transformation of this average to a scale from 0-9 is called the C9 index and is one of the parameters I used in my study.

    I was able to find service year data from Watchtower publications from 1938 to 2001. I created a table that shows the years, number of peak publishers, total hours, the total hours per publisher, and the growth rate. It soon becomes apparent when you look at this table that something unusual is happening. Approximately every 11 years (10.6 years to be exact) there is a sudden downwards trend in the growth rate at which it bottoms out and then starts a climb back up again, to only see the same cycle repeat itself about 10 and half years later. In the link below, I have put this table and highlighted the 5 different crashes in red.

    . http://www.geocities.com/skipstarbuck/JWandC9.htm

    Next to the growth rate column, you will see the column for C9 that is adjusted to match the Sept-Aug JW calendar. You can easily see a relationship here with the lows of this variable either matching the exact year or coming close to the same year. The C9 cycle has a period length of 10.4 years and is synchronized with the JW growth rate. To show the proper scale, the JW data and C9 data have been put on the same scale (Z-scores).

    Why doesn’t it match exactly? The C9 is a record of the entire magnetic field of the Earth and only about 30% of the field intensity is thought to be associated with geomagnetic pulsations. So, essentially it is a rough mirror of pulsation activity. Other variables that I did not include here for the sake of simplicity, measure the speed, density, and cone angle of the solar wind. Sunspots are a measure of solar activity that starts the whole process going with its 11.2-year cycles. We have ways of measuring the energy of the magnetosphere as well, and all of these working together show us the relationships with ULF pulsations and the human motivation data. It is worth noting here that the geomagnetic pulsation cycle is 10.5 years in length for the particular frequencies thought to effect human behavior.

    So, the mathematical reliability is above the 95% confidence level, so I feel safe in making some general predictions about JW growth.

    We are at peak of the sunspot cycle and have been for the last year. Solar activity will decrease slowly over the next few years but the levels of ULF pulsations will increase, as these cycles are not precisely aligned. The 2002 Service Year for the Witnesses should show an increase larger than the previous year but not by a large amount. 2003 will be an even better year yet with the highest increase they have seen in years, perhaps as much as 5%-6% or more world wide. 2004-2005 will see a lower growth rate with the growth bottoming out at 2007. The potential then is for a break-even point or net loss.


  • Andee

    I always make it a point NOT to do as I am told.



  • Mindchild

    I knew you couldn't resist Andee...the pulsations made you do it. LOL!

  • larc


    I read this quickly, so I have not fully absorbed it, however, I have a couple of questions already. In the column z scores growth, the numbers do not look right to me. The z scores usually range from plus 2 to minus 2. In your data you have much larger positive z scores and not very large negative ones. Could you explain this?

    Also, where is this published. I would like to read the entire article.

  • funkyderek


    I assume you're taking the piss. Right?

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • JanH


    At first I read your little writeup quickly, and got the impression you argued that JW growth patterns were influenced by solar activity. Ahem. After a bit more careful reading, and looking at your figures, I understood the point you are trying to make. I hope.

    I doubt the pattern you have found is a pure coincidence. Feedback patterns in social systems often have such effects, as we can see in hindsight. However, statistical methods are not so often successful in extapolating trends to the future. Yet, you may have found one.

    I can come up with some reasons why you may well prove to be wrong, however. I doubt the current JW growth decline is of the same nature as previous lows. If you look into the material more closely, you will see that there is a sharp divide between the western world and the so-called third world (and former USSR). The punctuated growth is caused by a real, serious decline in the western world. This was a trend that started in Northern Europe, spread south, and then west to the United States (roughly).

    What caused this decline? A number of factors. One very important factor is the widespread public criticism of the WTS/JWs in media, spearheaded by former members. I know that serious, active criticism on a number of issues (shunning, blood, child abuse) started in Norway and Denmark, pretty much at the same time. In Sweden, normally very comparable, nothing of the kind happened. In Norway it started with Kent and Norm (and a few others) appearing on national television in November 1989.

    This is the increase/decrease in the three Scandinavian countries:
    Norway Denmark Sweden
    87 +4 +2 +2
    88 +5 +2 +2
    89 +5 +2 +2
    90 +3 +1 +2 <--
    91 +1 0 +2
    92 +1 0 +2
    93 0 -1 +1 Note that Norway was by far the country experiencing the most drastic increase prior to Kent & Norm's assault (I remember it very well; I was a JW at the time and the effect on the 'market' was drastic!). After this bad publicity, the JWs stagnate and go into decline. Some years later, after very similar things happened in other west-european countries, JWs started to decline there as well. In later years, you will see that these countries went from stagnation to decline, and this has been a trend in west-europe for what must be ten years now.

    So I simply do not buy the idea that the effect is merely the result of seasonal variation. Some of it, perhaps. But real "marketplace changes" have occurred in the field of religion since the early 1980s. Look at the massive increase of charismatic evangelists, growing from nothing to perhaps a hundred million in ten years. Clearly, this does something to the "market" available to proselytizing religions like the JWs.

    One last factor I want to bring up: saturation. It seems to be the case that the number of JWs can continue to rise until the ratio of publishers to inhabitants in a country is somewhere between 400 and 500. Then, apparently, the number of potential converts to an apocalyptic sect like the JWs are exhausted. Of course many factors play a part, but it is hard to avoid this conclusion when you look at numbers for the western world.

    Anyway, Skipper, I appreciate your research and would like to know if you have any comments to what I have written above. It's late and I'm tired, yet I hope it makes a bit sense.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Bang

    Could it be that the geomagnetic pulsations correlate both directly (natural problems) and indirectly (war from poverty from natural disaster) with a ' fear of the end of the world syndrome'?


  • Moxy

    a few things:

    i understood from your research that you were advancing the idea that geomagnetics had an influence on religious fervor, not neccesarilly that it was the major influence or that one could make prediction based on the geomagnetic periods. is that so? if you are making predictions, can you make some more quantitative statistical predictions?

    i had thought you were saying before, and i agreed with you, that the hours per publisher was a much better indicator than growth or baptisms. why have you switched to growth % in these pages?

    i am generally a little skeptical of periodicity arguments just because there have been so many false alarms. remember a few years ago the trend in palaeontology when so many researchers were trying to find multi-million year periods in extinction events based on galactic movement and such. i dont think anything ever came of that though it looked convincing in its time. still, i am very interested in your research and would spend time looking at it more thoroughly.


  • Mindchild

    Okay, I will try to answer a few of your questions...

    Larc, The Z-scores are calculated by the standard formula where you take your variable, subtract the mean of the group and divide it by the standard deviation of the variable group. The mean for the C9 was 2.9 and the Standard Deviation was 0.61. The mean for the JW growth rate was 7.8 and the standard deviation was 6.86. The only real value in the graphic is to show a negative correlation with the growth rate. The Earth's magnetic field as a whole is being measured by the C9. This measurement includes rapid variations of the Earth's field which only amount to a small amount. Typically, at any one time, geomagnetic pulsations are only about 1% of the total field but they amount to about 30% of the total over time. The easiest thing to see however is that when the geomagnetic field is inactive, there are less geomagnetic pulsations and these periods match the crashes in the JW growth rate.

    Jan, you are correct that there are several factors which influence the growth rate. Motivation is only but one of these. In the original study, we were able to determine several factors, including the great prophetic disconfirmation of 1975. The economy and country makes a difference, as well as the ratio of JW's to the population. Doctrinal changes also play a role and potentially scandals do so too.

    You can best look at the motivatational effects simply as a general stimulant and not much more. It is similar to drinking a stimulant. The stimulant doesn't cause you to do anything that you didn't already wish to do. In the same way the geomagnetic influence only assists an individual to be more mentally focused and motivated.

    Jan, I do think that the saturation you mentioned and also the exposure that "opposers" have provided in Norway could have an effect. It seems reasonable to me, especially from considering the factor that it is a smaller and highly educated country. In the big wasteland that passes for the USA, disinformation and noise are everywhere and most people are either unable to determine what is reliable information or they don't keep up with the news. In this country, sensationalism is the name of the game but even then, after awhile people block things out.

    Bang, there are several social researchers now looking at various questions about relationships with geomagnetics and behavior. There seems to be correlation for instance with aggression and war in some studies. One scientist I know showed that UFO signtings correlate with geomagnetic pulsations, perhaps causing illusions. There are also ongoing studies involving depression and geomagnetic influences. It is important to remember that human brains are extremely complex and at best an influence by a outside stimulant only provides clues of gross behaviors.

    Moxy, it would be really sticking things way out there to make precise predictions. We are still collectively trying to understand the solar-terrestrial relationships and the biological relationships is a new science. The magnetosphere of the earth, reacts in a complex way with the solar wind and this interaction is one way of creating the ULF waves but it is hard to predict with any accuracy anything more than general trends. The same holds true with the sunspot cycle. We know that it is driven by planetary movement around the sun and has an 11 year cycle but we can do little more than make educated guesses about how many sunspots, solar flares, etc. will happen, all of which effect the Earth.

    Having said all this, I have seen nothing that promises anything extraordinary to be different from the current geomagnetic cycle and the extrapolations I did should be taken with a grain of salt, in otherwords, I'm not You Know.

    Our previous paper was about the hours per publisher. After I published my study, a Russian scientist examined over a hundred different religious groups and found membership cycles in various religious groups that were of similar periods to JW growth rates. You can see by looking at the raw data of hours per publisher (based on peak publishers) that there is a cycle in this if you graph it out. The growth rate is a bit more problematic in showing causative relationships with external influences but as the "crashes" in the growth rate suggest, perhaps there is a connection.

    Correlation does not mean causation. You should continue to be skeptical that just because something is cyclic that it will always be right on the money. This is the problem faced by economists when they try to model the behavior of economic cycles, sometimes things just do not work out right. You Know has made the mistake that most economists do, in following trends and saying..."ah got ya." I could go into the mathematics of emergent systems and critical state theory which shows it is impossible to accurately predict some cycles but this is already complex enough for people to understand.


  • Kent
    We showed in this paper that there was a statistically significant correlation between the amount of time spent by publishers in the field service with both the steady geomagnetic field of the earth and time variables that ranged approximately 11 years in length.

    What about the statistically significant correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed by the researchers and the validity of their findings?

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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