Ok -- My mom is visiting. I'm reading this site while we chat. I feel slightly guilty knowing how much she believes.......but it does kind of prove a point. what's the point? If non-JW (or apostates or whatever we are now) are evil and demonized --- wouldn't she "feel" satan's presence?!
I feel kinda bad...but it does prove a point...
by MominAustin 10 Replies latest jw friends
You would think...
Good that you're here. You need the site as a counter-balance to mom's strong belief aura that surrounds her.
You need the site as a counter-balance to mom's strong belief aura that surrounds her.
Amen to that!!!!!
Apostababes are really angels!!! We don't throw off any satanic energy....
Yeah, she should have the chills, or goosebumps or something. Man, i guess my demon posession is slacking off a bit!
yea-I'm kinda addicted to this site :D lol
You should be puking split pea soup.
John Doe
No, Satan is the master deceiver. That's the danger, if you don't feel his presence, it means he's there. ;-)
Did someone call for me?
Fortunately she's not really talking about the "truth" - just mentions a few things here and there