I was in for 33years. Left about 5 years ago. Elders came out 1 time to see what my problem was. Have not heard from them since. I have not been DF.
Of the one's DF'd here, how many have been called on by the Elders?
by Fishbulb 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1yr and 6mos for me and have not seen them.
Lady Lee
I've been out for 23 years and they knew exactly where I was for the first 14 - never got one visit from an elder
There is something familiar about this thread. Hhhmmm... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/160454/1.ashx
Not one call from the elders that df'd me. Not one call from the elders at the congregation I transferred to even though i attended meetings faithfully for about 5 months and they know how to contact me. Even when i would visit on occassion....not one word.
whatever i'm done....i really believe now that it is not the truth...
I never have in 3 years. But then again, I did say if any of the elders on my JC were to ever appear at my door I would take out a restraining order against them.