Great article on Homosexuality and choice...

by avishai 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    Wonder if they're an XJW what with the use of the word Jehovah...

  • stillajwexelder

    Good read - suprised the thread has not got more replies

  • avishai

    Yeah, me too. But.....the article is controversial for BOTH sides. So...

  • Balsam

    The article talked about men and women being segregated in male and female prisons for extremely long periods of time. They are not allowed nude pictures of the opposite sex and are hungry for human contact of the opposite sex. My son is currently in a federal prison for 10 years for a non-violent crime and is battling the constant pressure by other men to get involved in homosexual relationships. He said it is repulsive to him and he has developed some fears about being caught in showers alone. He is a young heterosexual young man with a son and had many satisfying relationships with girls his age. Now the other inmates are trying to turn him. The religious element in the prison is to deprive these men of natural feeling and relationships with their wives even. All their doing is creating a whole population of men and woman forced into unnatural sexual relationships within their own sex. I can see where it is going to take a lot for him to fight off the sexual advances by other men. And there is the possibility of rape too. The prison environment is a perversion of normal human relationships.

    I hear people say well they deserve it their criminals. 60% of those in prison today are young people who are arrested because of drugs and are non-violent offenders. The young are terribly victimized in American prisons. Its very sad for those of us with children or loved one in there and too often the prison sentence is just insane. Anyway that is my two cents. Prisons are creating lots of bi-sexual behavior the very thing the so called American public hates. Sick situation, especially when most of these imprisoned individuals will one day be set free and live in our communities.


  • avishai

    Thanks for your input, balsam.

  • aniron

    I can say that what Balsams son is going through, is not confined to prisons. But can be found in many confined single-sex groups.

    Having experienced an all male institution (not prison) for 5 years in my teens.

    I too went through the same things. The constant pressure to take part in homosexual acts. The fear that one day someone will force themselves on you. Even more tempting because we were all at the age of sexual "experimentation"

    Then on the other hand insitutions that have mixed sex environment also have to cope with problems hetreosexuals will face.

    Would Balsams son fare any better if he was in a mixed sex prison? Would not then the temptation be to have sex with a female inmate?

    Or do we see that as more acceptable than a homosexual encounter?

    Prisons are creating lots of bi-sexual behavior the very thing the so called American public hates. Sick situation, especially when most of these imprisoned individuals will one day be set free and live in our communities.

    So are you predjudiced against Gays living in your community?

  • scotsman

    I think Balsalm was referring to this point within the article

    When they get out, these men may never "identify" as active members of the gay community. But they may choose to go on seeking sexual and emotional satisfaction with other men, and they may do this in covert, even violent ways.

    The article reflects that the same notion as the Kinsey Scale. It's not black/white - straight/gay but the dogmatic religious approach has unfortunately polarised the argument when reality reveals human sexuality as a broad spectrum, or fluid.

  • Junction-Guy

    Ruth, could you clarify what you mean by the religious element in prison trying to deprive these men of their natural feelings and relationships for their wives? I don't quite understand what you mean.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for that input Balsam. I have a daughter who is recently out of prison for her non-violent crimes. She has displayed some affinity to same sex relationships before going to prison - but appeared primarily heterosexual. [Proof of that is the three grandkids I am raising now.]

    Since her release she has gone both directions - first she pursued men, but now is in a stable [at the moment at least] lesbian relationship, and had been bi-sexual previous to that I believe. I don't know if the prison environs affected her sexuality - but it may have.


  • funkyderek

    Good article, especially this paragraph which sums up everything we need to know about the issue:

    In the long run, it doesn't matter whether orientation is caused by genes or conditioning! What matters is how people choose to declare themselves! Declarations of one's sexual orientation should be respected and protected as fervently as declarations of one's beliefs or politics. And guess what...people get to change from Mormon to Catholic, or Protestant to Jew, without losing their human rights. Offering people this choice on orientation doesn't mean (as some church people insist) that we would be opening the door to legalizing bestiality, rape, exploitation of minors, etc. It simply means that, in the area of nonviolent adult consensual relations -- if a person decides that he or she wants to "be gay," or wants to "stop being gay," they can make that choice without being unduly pressured by anybody.

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