The "bad with the good" thing is a mantra with these people...they accept many horrible things that an ordinary person would never swallow - always hoping that some big change is just around the corner. For example - throwing away your chances at an education or a decent career. Wasting literally hundreds of hours every year just going through the motions of meetings and service. In times past, seeing your sons sent to Federal Prison over the draft issue - while this was purely conscious matters in other countries. The occasional death due to the blood transfusion issue. They usually rationalize it all by:
"but where will we go away to?"
"the light is getting brighter and brighter - the Society changes things in all due time"
One particularly revealing fact was how someone posted that no less than one of the Governing Body (who stayed in, not one of the apostates) always privately held that the 144,000 could not possibly be literal because there had to be more early day Christians than that. Think about that - this guy was supposedly one of the anointed - and was one of the inner leaders of the cult. For some reason, he seemed to be willing to expound a belief that he personally found completely unbelievable. So, is it any surprise that many of the rank & file just accept it all - both good and bad, and suffer in silence?
Cognitave Dissonance, I believe they call this.