Some bars have beer mugs with false bottoms, so you think your getting more beer.
That's a hanging offense!!
by compound complex 15 Replies latest jw friends
Some bars have beer mugs with false bottoms, so you think your getting more beer.
That's a hanging offense!!
and then we have the punt
A punt, also known as a kick-up, refers to the dimple at the bottom of a wine bottle. There is no consensus explanation for its purpose. The more commonly cited explanations include: [1]
Initially I thought this was another gay thread
LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing! True Top, or False Bottom...
I thought this thread was about prosthetic buttocks.
I thought this was a thread for people with "No Bum!".....People donate kidneys..Is there a place where you can Donate your Bum?..............OUTLAW
An article on the current package shrinking trend.