I'm glad hospice can help you, and sorry your poor mother is fading so quickly.
Called hospice yesterday
by redredrose 18 Replies latest jw friends
(((((((((redrose)))))))))).........your mom in my mind was such a classy lady....just total class....so sorry and be strong...............oompa
btw..those (((())) are hugs here on jwd...welcome...sooooo welcome
Hospice is wonderful. I have to share a story.
A day before my grandfathers death, a hospice nurse came out to bath him. By this time he was in a coma, and grandma was a mess, when the nurse asked for soap, grandma vaguely pointed to the bathroom and said "in the cabinet".
Hospice nurse gave grandpa a bath and as she was finishing up grandma had calmed down enough to come over and help finish drying him off. Thats when she glanced at the bar of soap the nurse used.... it was flea soap for the dog. When garndma pointed it out the poor nurse looked mortified, but we all just laughed. We assured her that it was no problem, we all knew that grandpa would have thought it funny too. He was now ready to walk flealess into the new system.
RedRedRose, I hope you are holding up OK, or as best you can under the circumstances.
Have the hospice people come out yet?
I'm sorry about your mom, somehow i missed this. Hospice is a wonderful thing. I've worked closely with them alot thru the years with my patients. They can get things done quickly.
If there ANYTHING you need, let them know. They can find a way to help!!
it has been a few days since you first posted. How is it going? Has hospice shown up to help? How are you doing?
Thanks all for your wonderful posts.
Yes, they came out the day after I called and they have been wonderful. They had her meds delivered the same day they came out, and CNAs are coming on all the days I need them.
They say it won't be long as she has not eaten any food for about 3 weeks and is not drinking anymore fluids. So they are helping to just keep her comfortable.
Thanks for sharing your own experiences and for your kind words. -
My mother died of Alzheimer's 3 years ago, and the hospice care was absolutely invaluable. They were kind, considerate, and eased her passing as much as they could. The hospice chaplain came to her funeral service, and my contact with the hospice company kept in touch with me for a whole year, which is standard practice, to make sure I was coping okay. They even gave me a beautiful leather-bound family Bible in a cedar box with Mom's name engraved on it.
I'm sorry for your loss but I know you feel that you lost your mother a long time ago. Her body is just catching up with the rest of her. It's a horrible way to go. The only comfort I had was that she never knew she was in a nursing home. That was a kindness.
My thoughts are with you.
It truly is a hard thing to experience seeing those we love lose the vitality and quality of life
they once had, my thoughts go out to you and your family.
Strength to you...