I know I will be out the door if we are required to wear magic underwear like the Mormons.
Rub a Dub
by konceptual99 42 Replies latest jw friends
I know I will be out the door if we are required to wear magic underwear like the Mormons.
Rub a Dub
@Orphancrow look at the number of witnesses that were counted in the bunch of countries that were not specified by name in the 1990 yearbook and compare that with the number of Witnesses that popped up in all of the east european countries during the 90's
JW's were a legal and registered religion since 1990/1991 in almost all east european countries.
insidetheKH :@Orphancrow look at the number of witnesses that were counted in the bunch of countries that were not specified by name in the 1990 yearbook and compare that with the number of Witnesses that popped up in all of the east european countries during the 90's
millie210 - "He said 'Right now you all are a young religion but give it another 25 years and let some money start rolling in...you will eventually end up mainstream like all other religions do.' Who would have thought he was right but he was.
What's even more ironic is that the "mainstreaming" is really just window dressing.
Internally, the WTS is just as authoritarian and controlling as it always was (arguably more so, IMO).
@orphancrow as you wish.
however national surveys and researchers like Rodney Stark state that the numbers published by the Watchtower society are pretty conservative and very reliable.
Interesting how this thread has morphed into a discussion on JW growth. I don't understand how it is not obvious to anyone looking at the WTS's own stats that the growth in Western nations is stagnating, driven by foreign language ministries. How is it not possible to look at the conversation ratios and see the waste of time spent in field service?
The ineffectiveness of the global preaching work is blatantly manifest but thanks to the propaganda and spin put on figures by the WTS it is simply lost on those mentally in. I do maintain some hope, however, that the WTS constant reference to figures will actually be one of the key factors in the wake up of many who are questioning what they are doing inside the org.
@konceptual conversion ratio's are not important
Noah preached for many years and he saw no results at all, still he is called a preacher of righteousness 2 Peter 2:5
So important is only to do what God commands us to do. People do not make converts,.. that is impossible.
(1 Corinthians 3:5-7) . . .. 6 I planted, A·pol′los watered, but God kept making [it] grow; 7 so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes [it] grow.
Here is a site for ex Mormons similar to Simon's site
Village Idiot - "Since when does growth have to indicate health?"
Growth has always been viewed as evidence of robust health in the WTS.