Witnesses believe in these last days, if you never spoke to a Witness or heard about the Kingdom, Jehovah will not destroy you...you will have a second chance in the new system to study. So why bother preaching at all....there will be time in "Paradise." Is this correct? thoughts?
If you don't hear about "the Kingdom" you won't be destroyed so why preach?
by Witness 007 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mickey mouse
I sure wish my grandmother had stuck her fingers in her ears and sung "la la la la la can't hear you" when the JW's called.
I have the exact same argument. Since 99.99% of people you talk to in service don't respond, you're actually condemming all them to death! Would be a LOT more efficient and loving to just not preach to them and let them be resurrected.
Thank god I found out this is all a lie...
You ask "so why bother preaching at all?" It's because Witness teaching maintains the doctrine of "blood guilt." According to the doctrine of "blood guilt," if Witness person "A" neglects to share the "good news" of the Kingdom" with non-believer B, then the non-believer runs the very high risk of being destroyed and facing Eternal Death at Armageddon. If this happens - if the non-believer is destroyed at Armageddon, then Witness person "A" is burdened with "blood guilt" and will therefore also be destroyed. According to the doctrine, this is because the non-believer may well have been spared if only the Witness had been brave enough to share "the truth" with him/her. According to this doctrine of "blood guilt," a Witness in theory should share "the good news of the coming kingdom" with each and every person whom they encounter every day because - you never know - any given non-believer may well have a good heart inclined to hear the truth.
Of course, the whole doctrine of "blood guilt" is a perfect example of psychological manipulation and control. A faithful Witness is made to feel guilty if he/she neglects to preach to someone when the opportunity presents itself. Since, in theory, such opportunities present themselves every day, a faithful Witness should be ready, willing, and able to engage in "incidental witnessing" every day at a moment's notice.
It's all about control.
White Dove
Don't forget about the ones that won't ever get preached to. They are figured to be lost causes anyway.
JWs say that not everyone on the planet will get preached to, and the ones that don't are figured to be judged by Jehovah as unworthy, so don't worry about them.
Actually, the WTS now teaches that not every has to have an individual witness.
*** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 "Keep on the Watch" ***
weseeaglobalpreachingworkbeingaccomplished,whichJesussaidwouldtakeplacejustbeforetheendofthissystem. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23. -
Watchtower 1952 1st June pages 341-350 Fixing Destinies in this Judgement Period
If ignorance during this present judgment period is an excuse and is going to mean a resurrection for ignorant ones in the millennial reign, would it not be advantageous to let all remain ignorant now? If all those not personally preached to now and who are slain by Jehovah at Armageddon are going to return in the resurrection of mankind, why preach now at all? Even those who oppose the view that all Armageddon’s slain are forever dead will admit that those hearing but not accepting the witness now will perish eternally at Armageddon. Just for the sake of reasoning together, adopt their view for a moment. We preach to one thousand persons now, and perhaps one accepts the truth, while all the others reject it and die forever at Armageddon. But if we refrained from preaching to this one thousand, all would die at Armageddon but all would return in a resurrection, not having heard the message. Surely when they returned in that new world far advanced toward perfect paradise, with no corrupting humans around and demonic influence gone, so our opposers would incline to think and say, many more than one of that thousand would conform to new world requirements. Maybe only one would refuse. So why preach now and save one out of a thousand?Why not be silent now and save 999 out of a thousand?
That, of course, would be folly. It would mean eternal destruction for the witness who remained silent. It means the stones would cry out the warning, if the watchman class failed to do so.''The Society seem to put up a very strong case for doing exactly what you say; don't go preaching and you'll save maybe 999 out of a 1000 as opposed to 1 in a 1000.
The best they seem to come up with is that that would be
Thomas Covenant
They tell you that if you do not preach, you will face woes. That is a scam. It is intended to coerce people to go out and preach to people that probably will not listen, and even if they do, they are going to cross-reference it and find out that it is a scam on their own. However, you are still required to leave everyone with a waste of paper.
The real reason is that they want people to be ostracized. If you go into a store, and you give the cashier a waste of paper, there is a good chance that (s)he will not like it, and will not talk to you again. Which is what they want, because then you have one less means to verify that it is a scam. If you "tip" the waitress at Starbucks with a waste of paper, you keep your time going, and may "save" that waitress. Actually, you will more than likely be ostracized by that waitress (and maybe the others), because you gave the poor thing nothing but a waste of paper. And that will cut out any opportunities to learn that it is a scam, plus help make sure your life stays austere.
This goes for the neighbors. When you give them their wastes of paper, you are effectively alienating yourself from them. Then you become more dependent on the Washtowel Slaveholdery, making it that much harder to ever leave. And you will not get "tempted" to do something wise that might help you to see the true light. Which is what they want.
As for me, I am never going to volitionally leave any more washtowels, asleeps, or littera-trash with anyone again. Nor am I going to give the Washtowel Slaveholdery anything more than a crap rating of Not Acceptable. For sure, I do not recommend anyone attend the Grand Boasting Session because it is a waste of time. And no more wastes of paper "tips" from me, either.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
Thomas, that's an amazing quote of twisted logic from the 1952 WT. I thought Christians were supposed to be self-sacrificing... yet they say that 999 would be saved and ONE witness would die if the preaching work wasn't done, where as 1 would be saved and 1 witness would survive if the preaching work IS done. Wouldn't it seem, then, that the loving thing to do is to not preach, sacrifice yourself, and let 999 others live? LOL, "Folly" indeed.
Then, this gem:
Even those who oppose the view that all Armageddon’s slain are forever deadwill admit that those hearing but not accepting the witness now will perish eternally at Armageddon.
Am I misreading that quote? They said, in the first half, that those that think people who die at Armageddon will NOT die forever (those that oppose the view that those folks will be "forever dead") will admit that those who die at Armageddon will die forever. ??! Huh???
Witness 007
Why send Missionaries to difficult lands when in Paradise they will all have a chance? Waste of time and money....just go door knocking in your own neighbourhood so as not to be "bloodguilty."