Democrat Congress Backs Down to Bush....Again

by owenfieldreams 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • owenfieldreams

    First, they continue to fund the war in Iraq by passing supplementals. Now, it looks like they are going to pass the so-called "Telco Amnesty" bill and basically tell their trial lawyer constituency to 'stick it'....

    You resident liberals and Bush haters, what's going on here? Are Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid asleep at the switch? Daily Kos and the left wing blogosphere are in overdrive over this. Why are your congressional representatives allowing this to happen? Seriously, I would like your perspective.

  • heathen

    they are all working together to screw all the people all the time .......obviously

  • What-A-Coincidence

    The Gov is controlled by Corporations....

    it's WE THE CORPORATIONS...not we the Peoples...get use to it!

  • sf

    As my teen said, after Russert died, "we are all doomed now, there is no one to help get at the truth anymore".

    What the hell do you say to THAT? I was silent.

    I mean seriously, why do we even vote? Our vote is just an illusion. We never had a say. Never will.


  • What-A-Coincidence



  • Gopher
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    The fourth amendment seems to be dying a slow death during the Bush era. These warrantless wiretaps are crooked, and there are ways to spy on the bad guys without going to the extreme of a program involving totally unfettered wiretapping. I for one don't feel much "safer" because the government can secretly wiretap.

    An anonymous writer was quoted by Ben Franklin - "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    There's a reason 40 lawsuits have been filed against the telecom companies for their participation in warrantless wiretapping. These lawsuits are a mere sample of when people's 4th amendment rights were violated.

    If more Americans were actually concerned about finding out what's happening to their constitutional freedoms, they'd be twisting their representatives arms to stop this flood of Big Brother tactics. Sadly, a lot of Americans are apathetic about the lawmaking process, and so they're getting what they deserve (I guess). How can they want "change" and tolerate this egregious "politics as usual"?

  • amicus

    Whats amazing is that I used to think that *I* was the only one who thought our Government was past redemption. It's difficult to find anyone now who approves of our appointed, er elected leaders.

    Independents are actually being taked seriously now by both parties. Well, the one party anyways. The differences between Republicans and Democrats is almost like the superbowl...does it really matter who wins?

  • owenfieldreams

    Well, if the whole thing is rigged, then why on earth would anyone vote for Obama, who is nothing but a sock puppet for George Soros and "New World Order" crowd?

  • BurnTheShips

    The Telco amnesty is a violation of my civil rights. I'd rather risk getting blown up by Mohammed than put up with that crap.

    They are all the same, bastards.


  • BurnTheShips

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