I have.
How many people have been here all this time without the spouse knowing?
by JimmyPage 24 Replies latest jw friends
I was on JWD for a year as an "active" jw and a husband who was an elder..................
I have. Sort of. He now knows (didn't always) that I "interact with apostates" and use many "apostate" resources for my research. He accepts that but doesn't want to know the details, which I respect.
I have, and you know I keep coming up with these impossible questions that I ask my wife, mostly because of this site.
I have been asking her about the 607 date regularly and how its not in any textbook. She even admits that if the 607 date in incorrect then everything falls apart. But she says that we still have to try hard to prove Satan a liar. And she says she will look into that date later. The Jehovahs Witness faith is her entire life, both her parents and one brother have died and thats just in her inner family, she wants so badly to believe. And to be truthful, I want to believe that I will be in a Paradise Earth, seeing and talking to my family members. Such a wonderful hope. I wont try to persuade her any more, its too too hard on her, I sometimes wish I had never come across this site or the other Truthful Sites about JWs, but as I have said before its a bit of a love hate, therapeutic relationship with JWD.
My wife doesn't know where I go. She doesn't know that I spend much time with apostates.
She knows that I spend time with my support group. She assumes my support group is AA. -
My wife would have me drawn and quartered without question if she found out I was reading and posting on this message board. I think literally her brain would explode.
I'm so sorry for you guys. If I couldn't talk about what I read on JWD, I'd explode. My poor husband, who never has been a jw, is sick and tired of everything that I tell him, because he absolutely hates the organization. It frustrates him to no end that people are bullied and manipulated by this cult.
Mickey mouse
My husband doesn't know.
me sir - though I suspect she suspects
I hid it for awhile but she knows now.