Are there any secrets among the JW's?
by karter 12 Replies latest jw experiences
so there's your answer someone was involved in immorality in the cong. talk follows the deed, I think two weeks later.
Its been along time since I've been there.......and apparently unrepentant since they are no longer a jw.
of course there are alots of secrets because of the thecoratic warfare strategy!
edited: I did not read all of the posts on this thread before I posted as shown above, I did not mean to highjack your thread.
Oh yeah, they give a talk on EXACTLY the offense, usually on Thursday as a local needs talk. When I was a kid and got busted for screwing around, they gave a talk about a week or two after my private reproving AND the elder looked RIGHT AT ME the entire time he was giving the talk. I left that congregation the next week and never, EVER returned, wished I would've left the church at that time... Oh well...I'm out now for good.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
seeker4 : They give a talk two weeks after a DFing announcement to warn about the specific DFing offense?
I'm not sure if that's true.
Can anyone verify this?True for public reproof, not for DF. If you've been publicly reproved, one of the upcoming local needs parts will be about the subject matter in question... it is ostensibly a way for the congregation to be warned, to know what type of counsel was given, and to choose to 'mark' the individual (always a 'private choice') if they are aware of one(s) who are participating in the conduct mentioned.