I've had such a crap 2 days.

by LouBelle 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I know it's also got to do with the fact that I'm still sick - I'm so frustrated!

    Work is getting on my nerves - I'm the one that has to go the extra mile, I'm the one that has to chase up everyone - worry about the deadlines - can't take days off to actually get better. I have staff members that ask if they can take leave on deadline (just a day) the same ones ask - we're on deadline for goodness sake. Everyone else around here is S L A C K. I work hard, I enjoy what I do but I feel like i'm the only one that actually does care about this magazine.

    Beggers are even irritating me - I'm not talking the lame or cripple or ones that are really destitute I'm talking strong men, standing with a sign begging for money - but they don't want work when you offer it to them - no they want a (*^#$)(@*)#&$(_# handout.

    My mums' been going through a bit of a hard time with her hubby - he has her on an emotional roller coaster. One minute he doen't know if he loves her, then he wants a divorce, then he's saying perhaps we can work this out - come on man. jeez

    I know I'll feel better in the morning. Just need a good dose of vitamin c, a home cooked meal, a hot bath and a hug from a friend.

    Don't mind me.

  • TinyDancer124

    Awww, I'm sorry, sweetie. {{{HUGS}}}

    I hope tomorrow's better for you!

  • babygirl75

    Here's ya a hug Loubelle....

    Hope u feel better soon!

  • momzcrazy


  • Hope4Others

    garfield hug

    Hope the day gets better......

    just for the record my....... froat...hurts.......I better not get sick....


  • Casper

    So Sorry things are looking crappy right now, LouBelle...

    Sometimes it seems everything hits at once and feels overwhelming...



  • Gopher


    It seems to me that you're good in the magazine business. Is there another magazine where your work would be appreciated? Maybe a fresh start would do you some good, if you can find a corporate culture where people are actually excited about their product. I think you deserve that (even if the change / transition would be stressful in the short run).

  • Hortensia

    I hope you feel better soon. What is your job with the magazine? I'm always interested other people's jobs.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Love, Dovey

  • JWdaughter

    Dr. Shelly prescribes a batch of homemade macaroni and cheese. And tea. Really hot, with sugar and milk(cause I like it that way:))

    I work at a newspaper-it's a daily, plus we do other publications-so some days we have four-6 publications on deadline. Our car ad salesguys come in at 5:00pm, when we are supposed to LEAVE at 5pm-on Friday-with a two page spread that needs to be processed. Which means typing copy with copious amounts of stock and model numbers, getting scans(jpgs and pdfs) into the composition people, sometimes still getting their pics off their camera(which is a process!)and making sure that composition can make it all work so that that section of the paper can actually go to press (which still involves a lot of steps after composition-pagination, plates, etc). Every week, you'd think the deadline was a NEW freaking concept to them! So, I feel for you on the work level. What kind of magazine do you help publish?

    I hope you feel better, and know we are rooting for your weekend to be astoundingly good!


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