I know it's also got to do with the fact that I'm still sick - I'm so frustrated!
Work is getting on my nerves - I'm the one that has to go the extra mile, I'm the one that has to chase up everyone - worry about the deadlines - can't take days off to actually get better. I have staff members that ask if they can take leave on deadline (just a day) the same ones ask - we're on deadline for goodness sake. Everyone else around here is S L A C K. I work hard, I enjoy what I do but I feel like i'm the only one that actually does care about this magazine.
Beggers are even irritating me - I'm not talking the lame or cripple or ones that are really destitute I'm talking strong men, standing with a sign begging for money - but they don't want work when you offer it to them - no they want a (*^#$)(@*)#&$(_# handout.
My mums' been going through a bit of a hard time with her hubby - he has her on an emotional roller coaster. One minute he doen't know if he loves her, then he wants a divorce, then he's saying perhaps we can work this out - come on man. jeez
I know I'll feel better in the morning. Just need a good dose of vitamin c, a home cooked meal, a hot bath and a hug from a friend.
Don't mind me.