I want things to be the way I want them. Don't you?
I want the wind at my back if I'm going for a stroll. I don't want the sun in my eyes. I want my water refreshing and cold when I'm thirsty. I want my bed firm and the temperature around me to stay 73 at all times.
That's what I WANT.
If I can't have what I want--what then?
I've got three basic choices.
1. I can complain about it
2. I can take steps to bring about the conditions I desire by intelligent planning, careful choices and selective strategy
3.I can HOPE.
Of the above three choices, the most pro-active is the second one.
However, for a great many people, it is the third one that seems best: HOPE.
The more devoutly one hopes the closer they get to pure FAITH.
A recent bestseller THE SECRET reveals a kind of mind strategy where you just put those "hoped for" things "out there" and--presto! Like the loaves and fishes, you end up reaping the benefits. All from that wonderfully positive and hopeful mindset.
In other words, the tail actually wags the dog. Your mind is more real than the physics of cause and effect!
Now, I've said all the above so I can say this:
In the real world of cause and effect, you really must DO something to bring about the "perfect" situations and conditions you desire. You can't warm your butt on a chair "thinking" and "hoping" and "wishing" and "daydreaming" about the IDEAL and discover at the end of all that "secret" thinking you reap any reward other than a sore butt.
A spider doesn't hope for a spider web. It builds the web and HOPES for an insect to lodge in it for breakfast. Action first!
HOPE is the lazy person's default.
The next rung up that ladder is buying a Lotto ticket! Playing vanishingly small odds for benefit.
The rabbit's foot keychain and the lotto ticket and the "secret thinking" and the hope and the belief in miracles are a DEFAULT mindset which rests exactly on the spot where ACTION should reside!
The more you unplug from causing the effect you desire, the more you need hope, belief, faith and blind luck to see you through.
The place where the least motion exists is where hope comes flowing out. Inert, torpid, lazy, passive, clunky FAITH is the RED FLAG that indicates a quitter, a depressed wannabe, a counterfeit doer and a superstitious goldbrick swaying in a hammock sipping pure daydreams up their straw living & in their own head instead of elbowing out a real place in time and space built out of sweat and hard work.
Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
Life is the beginning of all values. Making life good.....better....best requires values that work. The seed must be planted for anything to grow.
You can't water your unplanted garden with hope and grow a crop of anything but dirt and weeds.
Are you a HOPE-er or a DO-er?
by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
John Doe
You are correct, hope in and of itself is impotent. However, I can't help thinking that most people find "doing" something to work towards their visions to be extremely difficult without hope.
"Doing" is the motive force, but "hoping" is a potent catalyst. Lack of hope breeds apathy. I like the Henry Ford quote, probably overused: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right."
Are you a HOPE-er or a DO-er?
Happily I am both!
I do what I can, and I hope with respect to things outside my control or knowledge!
What else can I do?
Even hope-ing is a do-ing!
Hope reinforces a positive, optimistic mindset!
Optimism makes me an even better do-er!
All do-ing begins in the mind!
Haven't you noticed how pessimists stagnate?
They lack hope--and faith too!
You can't water your unplanted garden with hope and grow a crop of anything but dirt and weeds.
Talk about a blanket statement!
How well is your garden growing?
If it's a cloudy day, I hope for sun but bring an umbrella just in case
I'm a positive doer....but hope 4 the best. If you want something you have to make the effort towards that goal,
things just don't always fall in your lap.
I am also a DO-er. Specific steps must be taken in order to attain pretty much any goals in life.
But there is also a part of me that keeps wishing and hoping.
As Martin Luther King Jr put it..."If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream."
One must never stop dreaming~
Nathan Natas
Sweet Irony! The banner ad following T's post was for a follow-up for THE SECRET called THE MISSING SECRET. It's only $1, then after the 30 day approval period $119.95.
I will guess that THE MISSING SECRET is that there really is one born every minute.
That said, I believe there is value in Positive Mental Attitude programs and the like. I found them helpful to some degree in overcoming the negativity and ennui that were the consequence of my being raised a JW in a broken home and denied the development and fulfillment of my natural abilities.
Being a JW fills a person with negative self-talk and negative expectations. The only way to overcome these memes and engrams is to purposely seek repeated doses of positive counter programming. Thus, many of the items offered by Nightingale-Conant can be very helpful. I have enjoyed my auditory association with Earle Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, John Cummuta, and Napoleon Hill, among others. It sure beats reading THE WATCHTOWER!
A DO-er.
If it's a cloudy day, I hope for sun but bring an umbrella just in case
At least in a gas motor you need two essential elements (1). spark (2) fuel
(1 )doing (gas)...energy......(.2.).hoping ....spark of burning desire !
I just realized..If you exchanged the D and the H in the Thread title..You would have a much different thread!......"Are you a Dope-er or a Ho-er?".....It would be a thread about "Drug Addict`s and Prostitutes!"..