I feel I drink too much and it concerns me sometimes. I'm not an alcoholic (isn't that what an alcoholic would say?) and I never drink in large quantities but If I don't have a glass of wine or a good real ale in my hand of an evening I feel disappointed. Anyone else feel like this.
How important is alcohol to you?
by Peppermint 60 Replies latest jw friends
I like alcohol... but do not feel it is something that I _have_ to have.
I like tequila. I will get a bottle, and it will sit on top of the fridge. Occassionally, when I remember... I will take my trusty shotglass, and fill it with tequila. I will then sit and sip it slowly. Great stuff.
Which reminds me. I'm outta tequila. Have been for a while. Need to get some more someday.
When my wife and I go out to dinner, sometimes she wants a margarita - I encourage her to get one. If she does - great! But I am perfectly fine with my tea or soda.
Does that answer your question?
Jim TX -
Witness 007
Yeterday I had nothing left to drink....So I rolled around on the floor yelling: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Yeah, I'm pretty bad...but I now try to pace myself and only drink every few days {2x a week}
White Dove
Are you talking about one glass of wine or beer every night?
That's not overdoing it.
I don't even drink that much, only socially two to three drinks.
Sipping tequila? I like shots with salt and lime. Three will do me fine!
"Are you talking about one glass of wine or beer every night?"
Yes, one half-bottle size wine glass. But to be honest I don't drink every night - I want to. I try to do one night with one without.
Witness 007
Peppermint.....half a bottle of Scotch is a problem...on an empty stomach...with a couple beers.
Peppermint.....half a bottle of Scotch is a problem...on an empty stomach...with a couple beers.
Peppermint ....
Witness is correct. Half a bottle of scotch on an empty stomach is a problem.
You should have some of those tea biscuits or bread sticks along with the scotch. And some chips and salsa works good with the beer.
Rub a Dub
Alcohol is not important to me, but I do enjoy a glass of wine, a good whiskey. There are times when I find myself having one or two drinks a night but then again there are times when I don't drink for an age. I can tell you tonight that I'm going to be enjoying a bloody good red wine!
I have felt that having a glass of wine is the biggest treat at the end of the day. One leads to three usually and on social occasions more. I was concerned about it as I was doing it everyday for years. I have had a lot of bad things go on in my life in the past 6 years and alcohol was easing the stress. Everyday is a challenge lately and thinking that at the end of the day I can have some wine to Unwind helped me.
Well I decided that it was becoming to much of a habit, I was conditioned to having to have a drink in order to relax. I was starting to feel worse not better. Tired every night and getting grumpy. I have acquired some health problems that have changed my whole life in the last 2 years. I have MS, disc degeneration, arthritis and spinal stenosis, All in my lower back. I can hardly walk and standing causes terrible pain. I just wanted to die when I first realized that I am not going to get better. So I drank more to ease the mental pain as well as the actual pain. I do not take pain killers.
I quit 3 weeks ago and I feel so much better, its a struggle at night and especially on weekends when I am socially with people. It s just such a bad habit to have to have a drink to socialize. I am sticking with it. Its not making my health problems better but it will help me not acquire more health problems.
So Peppermint to answer your question, alcohol was a crutch for me and important but I am trying Hard to make it NOT important.
Velvet...my new hero:
Well I decided that it was becoming to much of a habit, I was conditioned to having to have a drink in order to relax. I was starting to feel worse not better. Tired every night and getting grumpy. I have acquired some health problems that have changed my whole life in the last 2 years. I have MS, disc degeneration, arthritis and spinal stenosis, All in my lower back. I can hardly walk and standing causes terrible pain. I just wanted to die when I first realized that I am not going to get better. So I drank more to ease the mental pain as well as the actual pain. I do not take pain killers.
I quit 3 weeks ago and I feel so much better, its a struggle at night and especially on weekends when I am socially with people. It s just such a bad habit to have to have a drink to socialize. I am sticking with it. Its not making my health problems better but it will help me not acquire more health problems.
So Peppermint to answer your question, alcohol was a crutch for me and important but I am trying Hard to make it NOT important.
I can stop...do ok..but then I get back in the habit of NIGHTLY drinking.......and usually a bit too much. Yes you all know I have on occasion used the crap out of the stuff and just wasted a day or two of my life....such an easy and totally useless escape.........breaking the habit often is a good idea...but for me it always comes back........oompa........so often...it is way too important to me