This is off your original topic but since you asked for more info -
so which is it , did the WTBTS settle out of court or did this thing actually go to trial? I do stand by my statement of the family or legal guardian of a child not doing something to protect the child. In the catholic system the church is the legal guardian of the orphans thereby placing the guilt on the church for not protecting them .
Here's the thread where it was announced on JWD -
The 9 cases involving 16 victims were all settled out of court. Note also that the WTBTS required the victims to all sign confidentiality agreements to effectively silence them. Thanks to Barbara Anderson, she & her friends contacted all the courts and purchased copies of all of the court documents. Bet the Society was shocked they were released. One of the courts accidentally sent Barbara a copy of one form that had the amount of that settlement.
I agree with you 100% that the JW parents should have gone directly to law enforcement. However, they are trained [brainwashed] to go to the elders with any problems. The elders were not advising them to contact law enforcement. Quite the opposite - according to many people that have come forward. They were threatened with being disfellowshipped for slander if they told anyone.
The elders are trained to contact Bethel Legal Dept first. At that point the form, Child Abuse Telememo, is completed. Did you read the questions on it? Legal dept determines how widespread the knowledge of the pedofile is. If very few know about it then it's easier to cover up.
It appears you are under impression the children molested in the catholic system were all orphans. While probably there were many who were orphans, there were also many who had families and lived with their family. The catholic clergy were molesting the children and covering it up just the same as the Watchtower. One thing I found interesting is that the catholic church did not make their victims sign the 'gag orders' silencing them.
There are many situations where the JW elders have covered up for pedofiles. Even allowing them to either continue to serve as elders, ministerial servants, publishers, etc. or allowing them to be re-appointed to those positions of authority. This is all explained in Barbara's Commentary that I mentioned to you earlier. Please take the time to read it.